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# LGBT Rights

All time
European court rules woman can adopt lesbian partner's child
Creighton can't predict outcome of referendum on gay marriage
Russian parliament approves bill that could outlaw gay kissing
Gay rights activists protest at Pope's Sunday morning prayer
Labour LGBT: Ugandan 'kill the gays' bill must be stopped
Wisconsin Democrat to become first openly gay member of Senate
Northern Ireland assembly rejects motion calling for same-sex marriage
California bans therapy to 'reverse' homosexuality in minors
Supporting homosexuality is ‘for capitalists’, says Iranian president
Australian parliament votes down proposal for same-sex marraige
French government unveils details of plans to allow gay marriage
Dublin City Council to vote on motion supporting gay marriage
Column: ‘A little girl in rural Ireland’ – My experience growing up transgender
VIDEO: Protestor gets more fire than he bargained for
Astronaut Sally Ride sparks posthumous debate on coming out
Scotland to press ahead with plans to legalise same-sex marriage
Column: For politicians, the gay marriage debate is a careful calculation
Scott De Buitléir
Gay marriage: Cork city council passes landmark motion in support
Column: Shouldn’t we be over gay people in the workplace?
Davin Roche
Gay marriage: Shatter joins Gilmore in support
Californian ban on gay marriage set for Supreme Court hearing
Department promises 'mopping up' measures to give tax equality to same-sex couples
Romney denies deliberately bullying gay schoolmates
Obama breaks silence with full support for gay marriage
US vice-president Biden backs gay marriage
London mayor bans anti-gay ads from city buses
Miss Universe to allow transgender contestants from 2013
The Daily Fix: Tuesday
Quinn will back move to stop discrimination against gay teachers
Quinn confirms anti-bullying forum to take place in May
FG members vote to prioritise same-sex marriage in convention
New Hampshire quashes attempt to ban gay marriage
Catholic Church moves against gay marriage proposals
Sweden blocks plans to overturn sex-change sterilisation law
Column: Homophobic bullying is taking young lives, yet it’s treated as harmless
Michael Barron
US could make gay rights a condition of foreign aid
'Campaign for Conscience' lodges Supreme Court challenge to same-sex partnerships
Russia faces protests over 'gay propaganda' law
Column: Eamon Delaney’s attack on gay people is full of all the oldest tricks
Brian Finnegan
Gilligan and Zappone vow to continue with Supreme Court appeal