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You are visiting us because we have something you value. Independent, unbiased news that tells the truth. Advertising revenue goes some way to support our mission, but this year it has not been enough.

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# let us know

This year
Open Thread: Carers, what would you like to see from government after the No vote in the care referendum?
All time
Open thread: What will you write in the 'time capsule' section of the census?
What are the issues affecting people in your area? We want to send our election team to your hometown
Open thread: What's your one festival secret weapon?
'How much do you trust An Garda Síochána?' - Gardaí to start polling the public again
Top 10 readers' comments of the week
Top 10 readers' comments of the week
The top 10 readers' comments of the week
Top 10 readers' comments of the week
Top 10 readers' comments of the week
Open thread: Have any pubs near you closed down?
Top 10 readers’ comments of the week
Top 10 readers' comments of the week
Open thread: What would you like to see happen in the Dáil this year?
Open thread: What are you glad to see the back of in 2011?
Top 10 readers' comments of the week
Revealed: Ireland's top 10 favourite books
Open thread: What are you stocking up on for Christmas?
Top 10 readers' comments of the week
Open thread: Do you still send Christmas cards?
Open thread: Who would be in your fantasy Cabinet?