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# Legislation

All time
Dáil to hear another attempt to end compulsory retirement age
Scaremongering or safe? The two sides to banning e-cigarettes in restaurants
Partner of Marie Fleming drafting new right-to-die legislation
'Anti-Pantigate' bill tabled in the Dáil to stop "the litigious and thin-skinned"
Gun control review sparks calls for compensation schemes
New Court of Appeal "will be up and running by October"
Google lobbies against proposed restrictions on Glass while driving
These stories of domestic abuse are prompting calls for a change in law
Pic: Just one of the people caught by gardaí during mobile phone crackdown
Government begin bid to allow same-sex couples to adopt
New stem cell discovery made - but Ireland "far behind" with legislation
Shatter: 'Legal clarity for surrogate and LGBT parents by year end'
EU Justice Chief calls for tougher sanctions for companies that break data protection laws
Charity regulator to be appointed in the second half of this year, says Reilly
Uganda passes tough new bill against homosexuality
Poll: Should planned legislation on sunbeds be stricter?
Dublin Docklands, Irish Water, and everything else happening in Leinster House today
School admissions, Eirgrid and everything else happening in Leinster House
Irish Water will not cut off supply to homes over unpaid charges
Teen girls' rapist and killer freed under rights ruling
More than €12 million spent training Irish language graduates to translate EU legislation
Equality activists create LGBT-friendly IKEA catalogue after Russian controversy
How will the new Freedom of Information charges compare to other countries?
Revenue to repay thousands of homeowners in property tax blunder
Dáil to debate Sinn Féin's fluoridation bill tomorrow
Social Welfare Bill moves to final stages before TDs go on their mid-term break
New bill will mean just one environmental impact assessment needed for offshore projects
Judge orders end to smoking ban in New York state parks
It's now illegal to post nude pics online of your ex... in California
US facing government shutdown over Obamacare
45 people, including 23 children, were trafficked into Ireland last year
Survey finds 63 per cent of farmers agree with abortion legislation
Poll: Do you think the law should be changed to allow for assisted suicide?
'Violent outrages' and 'general humiliations' targeted as thousands of obsolete laws cut
Serious criminals will have DNA logged on international database
TD uses Dáil questions to see how effective Seanad is, Ministers tell her to find out herself
Freedom of Information bill criticised - because Irish Water isn't included
US congressmen visit Leinster House to discuss undocumented Irish
Concern over whether hospital will comply with abortion legislation