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Last week
14th July 2024 - 27th July 2024
Opinion: Can we say that Trump's shooting was surprising? I am afraid not
Larry Donnelly
Last month
June 2024
RFK Jr is demanding a place on stage alongside Trump and Biden - he may have a point
Larry Donnelly
This year
Reflections from Boston: Radical steps needed to make the American Dream achievable for all
Larry Donnelly
It's clear Trump is the Republican nominee ... but Haley won’t quit
Larry Donnelly
Last year
The Explainer: What are the big issues facing Joe Biden as he aims for re-election?
Larry Donnelly: Trump is in hot legal water - will there be a tipping point for him?
Larry Donnelly
The Explainer: What does Trump being indicted mean for him and the 2024 election?
All time
The Explainer: What did 2022 hold for US politics - and what can we expect in 2023?
Larry Donnelly: There was no US midterms 'red wave' - here's why
Larry Donnelly
Larry Donnelly: When it comes to guns, America is broken
Larry Donnelly
Larry Donnelly: Against a backdrop of war, Biden seeks State of the Union reboot
Larry Donnelly
Larry Donnelly: We must help the undocumented Irish in the US - they still need us
Larry Donnelly
Larry Donnelly: Republicans and Democrats need to play the next election cycle very carefully
Larry Donnelly
Republican win in Virginia 'shows potency of the culture wars' in US politics
Larry Donnelly: What might Tuesday’s elections in the US hold in store?
Larry Donnelly
Larry Donnelly: Biden presidency report card - 'could do better'
Larry Donnelly
Larry Donnelly: When politics is the business of an Irish-American political family
Larry Donnelly
Larry Donnelly: Biden promised stability and experience, but Kabul now blights his presidency
Larry Donnelly
Larry Donnelly: Exit Cuomo, enter Kerrywoman Kathy Hochul
Larry Donnelly
Larry Donnelly: Could the GOP actually nominate Trump again?
Larry Donnelly
Larry Donnelly: 'Give me liberty or give me death' - Why Biden's Covid message is falling on millions of deaf ears
Larry Donnelly
Larry Donnelly: 'Is Trump done with politics? This is not the rhetoric of a man inclined to step away'
Larry Donnelly
Larry Donnelly: Isn’t it nice to have someone we can honestly respect in charge?
Larry Donnelly
The Explainer: Trump's second impeachment - what happens next, and what does it mean for his future?
Larry Donnelly: I cannot forgive Trump for imploring his most radicalised followers to storm the Capitol
Larry Donnelly
Larry Donnelly: 'Trumpism' is alive and well no matter who wins the US presidency
Larry Donnelly
Larry Donnelly: It’s definitely advantage Biden - but watch Pennsylvania
Larry Donnelly
Larry Donnelly: American politics is in a bad state and the TV networks aren't helping
Larry Donnelly
Larry Donnelly: Trump is a mess but he can still win the election because of a weak Democratic party
Larry Donnelly
Larry Donnelly: An erratic Trump now leads a US further divided by Covid-19
Larry Donnelly
Larry Donnelly: Thanksgiving should be the American tradition that goes global, not Black Friday
Larry Donnelly
Larry Donnelly: Biden, Sanders or Warren look set for nomination... why hasn't the Democratic primary been more competitive?
Larry Donnelly
Larry Donnelly: Removing Trump from office is still a remote possibility
Larry Donnelly
Larry Donnnelly: The third Democratic debate was a ho-hum night in Houston
Larry Donnelly
The polls get it right, and the problem with Pelosi: 6 thoughts on the US midterms
Larry Donnelly
The parallels between Irish and American controversies, in a wild week for politics
Larry Donnelly
"I - and most pundits - got it wrong about Trump v Clinton"
Larry Donnelly
How 'protest votes' for Gary Johnson and Jill Stein might have helped Trump
Opinion: 'I all but guaranteed a win for Hillary but then we had a political earthquake...'
Larry Donnelly
Trump lives to fight another day but he needs an awful lot of luck to become the next POTUS
Larry Donnelly