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# Knife Crime

This year
Government to increase sentences for crimes involving knives
Man needed 'over 50 stitches and staples' after apparent machete attack in Dublin city centre
Last year
Dr Chris Luke: Knives are lethal weapons - we must not sleepwalk into a rise in their use
Dr Chris Luke
Jim O'Callaghan: 'The possession of knives has become normalised - this needs to be reversed'
Jim O'Callaghan
All time
Tyson Fury’s cousin stabbed to death in ‘senseless attack’
Gardaí appeal for information about alleged knife attack in Limerick City suburb
Call for increased policing resources over summer as gardaí investigate three stabbings in Dublin
Garda knife task force turns attention to warring group of teenagers in Dublin's north inner city
Neale Richmond: To tackle knife crime we should take our cues from Scotland
Neale Richmond
Government TD says 'absurd' ban on naming child victims needs to end
Gardaí dealt with six stabbing incidents in Dublin over 24-hour period
Doubling sentences for knife crime to 10 years 'will send a clear message', says Fianna Fáil
UK's Home Office branded 'racist or unfathomably stupid' for anti-knife crime ads on chicken boxes
Family of teen killed in Dundrum stabbing thank public for support
Second arrest made in 'outrageously violent' stabbing of 17-year-old girl in London
'A tragic ten days': London police step up efforts to tackle knife crime following recent deaths
Anger and sympathies after 17-year-old girl stabbed to death in London park
39 people arrested after man stabbed in London
Loads of people on Twitter are talking about last night's powerful anti knife-crime episode of Eastenders
1,800 extra police officers to carry Tasers amid increase in violent crime
Security guard stabbed in Dublin shopping centre attack
Knife amnesty to combat stabbings set to come to the capital
Gardaí arrest teen over fatal stabbing of young man at Dublin flats
There has been a huge spate of knife attacks on the New York subway this week
WATCH: Teen sentenced for robbing a Subway armed with a machete
Five people stabbed in classroom attack at California university
Man rushed to hospital after being stabbed in Tallaght
US police kill man attacking cinema-goers with a hatchet during Mad Max
This gripping play about knife crime in Dublin wants to get people talking
Fitzgerald: 'We've no plans for a knife amnesty, gardaí are doing enough'
Gardaí say taxi drivers could help in the case of a Dublin crèche worker stabbed last week
15-year-old charged with stabbing 14-year-old twice in the stomach
Teen jailed for stabbing friend to death over £30 breakfast loan
Man arrested after stabbing two gardaí in council offices
Gardaí arrest 60-year-old man after stabbing in Wexford
Two fourteen-year-olds accused of murder of market stall holder
A gun and six knives were taken from a man who became violent with gardaí
Two hospitalised, several wounded in Antrim stabbing incident
Man dies after Smithfield stabbing
Man pulls knife on arresting Gardaí in Post Office