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# Justice

All time
Fiona Doyle: There are women out there who facilitate the rape and abuse of their children
Graham Dwyer trial will not begin until Thursday
Has the Government "pared back" what was promised to Magdalene survivors?
370 new cars and vans are on their way to the gardaí
How many died in Magdalene laundries? Survivors at odds with Government on the figures
Calls for new child grooming law to ban online vigilante 'paedophile hunters'
Here's where some of the money from dormant accounts will go in 2015
Moment man exonerated after 27 years in prison will bring a tear to your eye
This charred bone fragment helped prove a missing student was killed
The number of female judges has hit a record high
"Justice should heal" - Voices of sexual crime victims and perpetrators should be heard
Poll: Do you welcome the appointment of Nóirín O'Sullivan as Garda Commissioner?
An Irish athlete is being awarded a European bronze medal almost 6 years after the race
Are prisoners being freed temporarily to relieve overcrowding?
Here's how many prisoners were given temporary release since 2009 ... and never came back
Rough justice: In prison in one of the poorest places on earth
Here are the newly appointed Court of Appeal judges who start work next week
Extra gardaí will help in fight against "real and persistent" dissident threat
This man got a 13-year prison sentence for pouring paint over a statue
Age of consent should stay at 17 but two year leeway suggested
Prison officers say they're told to "cover their arses"
Who is Breifne O'Brien? Corkman, charlatan, Celtic Tiger conman...
Two men jailed over family dog being set on fire
Osama Bin Laden's son-in-law sentenced to life in prison
Swords, Balbriggan, Tallaght and Dún Laoghaire - You're keeping your courthouses
Sex trafficking victims 'in danger of abuse in Direct Provision'
Minister: 'GSOC should publish report, but members shouldn't resign'
Frances Fitzgerald: This is very different, we're listening to Maurice McCabe
Justice Barry White says he doesn't believe judges need training in rape cases
€320 million spent, 4,161 parliamentary questions and 166,000 new visas application: 2013 in the Department of Justice
Referendum on establishing Family Court 'not necessary'
Ireland spending €150 million a year on asylum system
Inspector criticises management in deaths of 24 prisoners
There were 64 cases of children being abducted from Ireland last year
It will soon be illegal to discriminate against gay teachers
From white-collar criminals to murderers: Rare glimpse inside women's prison
Community service: 'Cheaper than jail and makes society more safe'
GSOC is getting new powers to investigate the Garda Commissioner
Irish teen due to stand trial in Egypt 'losing hope'
Time to spruce up your CV: The search for a new Garda Commissioner has started