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# Irish Defence Forces

This month
July 2024
Cabinet expected to approve move to revamp senior Defence command and control structures
Gardaí plan 'no further action' in 26 abuse investigations arising from Women of Honour review
Gardaí are investigating a further tranche of fewer than 10 cases, some of them historical.
Last month
June 2024
Explainer: How gardaí and the Defence Forces interact when a soldier is charged with a crime
Soldier who attacked woman has been formally told he likely faces dismissal from the military
Cathal Crotty, an army Private, was brought before a senior officer today and told that the military were making preparations to deal with him.
Defence Forces begins process of dismissing soldier who beat a woman unconscious
Crotty was handed a fully-suspended sentence today and was ordered to pay the victim €3,000.
Tribunal established to examine handling of bullying and harassment complaints in Defence Forces
Royal Air Force assists Irish Coast Guard off the Cork coast this morning in rescue operation
Meet the team that helps Irish soldiers deal with the trauma of conflict zones
Lieutenant Colonel John Martin is the head of the Defence Forces’ Personnel Support Service that helps to manage mental health crises in the military.
This year
Four-hour seminars on sexual ethics used to tackle culture in Defence Forces
Irish Defence Forces Chief Sean Clancy appointed as head of EU military committee
Lt Gen Sean Clancy will take over the top job from Austrian General Robert Brieger.
'Reluctance' by Irish soldiers to serve in EU Battlegroup mission due to low pay
Military group accuses Govt of 'ignoring' key report on new defence laws
The Defence (Amendment) Bill 2024 if brought into law will see significant changes to how the Irish Defence Forces function.
Opposition warns on neutrality as Government moves to scrap 'triple lock' to send army overseas
A soldier has been arrested following the seizure of drugs and cash at a military base
Head of Irish Defence Forces to be nominated by Government to lead EU military committee
'Mammoth task': How Ireland will move €23m of kit back from Syria next month
The Irish Defence Forces is ending its ten year involvement in peacekeeping in Syria next month.
Ireland's troops are leaving the Golan - we may see a move to smaller 'more impactful' missions
News Correspondent Niall O’Connor spoke to Major General Adrian Ó Murchú in Syria about the future of peacekeeping.
'I hated every second of my civilian job': Irish troops on what it's like to work on the Golan
Niall O’Connor reports from the Golan Heights, where Irish troops have been receiving their service medals today.
Quick Reaction Force: On patrol with Irish soldiers across Syria's contested Golan Heights
News Correspondent Niall O’Connor is in Syria visiting Irish troops keeping the peace on the contested Golan.
Military groups attack proposed 'draconian' Bill that will halt them criticising Government
Change agent: Meet the civilian tasked with leading the transformation of Ireland's armed forces
Brian Molloy sat down this week with The Journal to speak about the biggest organisational reimaging in the history of the State.
Gone today, hair tomorrow: Irish Defence Forces to allow members to grow beards
Last year
Approval to be sought at Cabinet for continuation of two overseas peackeeping missions
Ukrainian military officers in North Cork for NATO partner country training
Irish troops arrive home from Lebanon deployment as UNIFIL confirms attack on peacekeepers
'You have no mandate': Heated Dáil exchanges on plan to remove Triple Lock
Explainer: What is Ireland's Triple Lock mechanism and why is the Govt planning to scrap it?
Raft of ambitious timelines in Irish Defence Forces change plan published by Government today
Irish army peacekeepers in South Lebanon rescue journalists after suspected Israeli bombing
Key suspect in killing of Irish soldier Seán Rooney has been released, says Lebanese military
Senior military officer will tell army officers' conference: 'We are struggling, and we need help'
RACO conference: ICTU warns that unions must consider industrial action if pay agreement fails
Tánaiste: Escalation in Lebanon a 'great concern' as Irish soldiers deploy for peace mission
Czech Government and arms industry to host event for Irish businesses in Dublin
MV Matthew Army Ranger Wing team travels to Spain for major EU military exercise
Tánaiste defends Defence spending, rejects 'knee-jerk' calls for military resources
Irish troops in Lebanon take shelter as fire is exchanged across Blue Line
Rank and file defence group gives 'cautious' welcome for military medical care scheme
Irish Naval Service will have just 'two ships full time' to patrol seas for the rest of 2023
Cabinet clears the way for Irish troops to take part in major EU military exercise in Spain