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# Insurance

All time
There were an extra 14,000 uninsured vehicles on Irish roads last year
Threat of claims against businesses as a result of contracting Covid-19 on the premises to be examined
VHI and other insurers to partially refund customers after takeover of private hospitals during Covid-19 crisis
People advised not to make changes to health insurance as Covid-19 deal is arranged with private hospitals
Minister says he expects insurers to 'play their part and act reasonably' by honouring claims
Two people arrested as part of investigation into suspected staged road crashes
Tralee Aqua Dome warns centre could close over number of insurance claims
Q+A: Here's where Ireland's political parties stand on insurance ahead of GE2020
MIBI welcomes withdrawal of case where man claimed he had to use wheelchair after accident
Moyagh Murdock announces resignation as RSA chief to take up role with Insurance Ireland
Minister in charge of fixing insurance on 'easy-money mindset', 'ridiculous' payouts and saying 'stop'
Poll: Did your car insurance premium increase this year?
FactCheck: Has car insurance really gotten cheaper since 2016?
'Reckless one minute, government policy two hours later': Martin says €1,500 for creches was 'made up on the back of an envelope'
Explainer: Why are hundreds of creche owners worried about having to close?
Minister approves one-off extra payment of €1,500 to childcare providers to help with extra insurance costs
'Greedy insurance industry' has spun a false narrative to maximise profits, Dáil hears
Pearse Doherty: Damning Central Bank report reveals an insurance industry that prizes profit above its customers
Pearse Doherty TD
Cost of car insurance rises by 42% despite an overall reduction in number of claims
Varadkar accused of having a 'terrible air of detachment' for saying health and car insurance premiums are levelling off
Carbery's club, Athy RFC, won't be shutting down after securing insurance
'I really feel sorry for those businesses': Minister says he's 'pushing hard' on high insurance costs
Gardaí confirm they have launched 'comprehensive' probe into ghost insurance brokers
'Loyalty is no longer rewarded': Consumer watchdog to look at impact of 'loyalty penalties' imposed by insurance companies
Insurance industry says it will engage with Central Bank probe into dual-pricing
Poll: Should we hold a referendum on capping insurance payouts?
Referendum on insurance payouts can't be ruled out if reforms don't work, says Varadkar
Five arrested following investigation into suspected bogus 'slips and falls' insurance claims
Insurance firms accused of ‘breaking the law by not reporting fraudulent claims’
'There's no excuse': Central Bank says some insurance firms not prepared for no-deal Brexit
Finance Committee to investigate 'rip-off' dual pricing by insurance industry
New Central Bank rules to stop brokers accepting free golf trips and sports tickets from banks
Minister meets insurers in London to 'hopefully' entice them to 'rethink' position in Irish market
Opinion: 'Insurance - short of wrapping our business in bubble wrap, there's nothing we can do to make it safer'
Niall Roche
'We keep our local graveyard closed' - How the insurance crisis is hitting Ireland's communities
The UK and Canada are cutting the cost of processing claims - why can't Ireland?
'We're being fed this lie': Exposing the myths of Ireland's 'compo culture'
Leisure centre in Kildare forced to close as it struggles to secure insurance
Insurance 'Green Card' no longer needed to drive in North in event of no-deal Brexit
Consumer watchdog to probe pricing of public liability insurance