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# inequality

This month
July 2024
Katriona O'Sullivan on Transition Year: 'One lone mother said her child's trip has cost €1,500'
Dr Katriona O'Sullivan
Last year
Explainer: What we learned about the Irish gender pay gap this week
Ireland's poorest households saw their income dip even further during the pandemic
RTÉ Current Affairs staff feel women have less access to opportunities than men, report finds
UK study finds minority defendants ‘more likely to be charged than white British people’
Two richest people in Ireland have more wealth than 50% of the country's poorest, Oxfam says
All time
Majority of Irish people agree that pornography is harming society, Women's Aid report finds
Taliban ban women from parks and funfairs in Afghan capital
Cancer patients in deprived communities 'being left behind' due to inequality of care
Private mental health centres provide better care than HSE facilities, report finds
Billionaires’ wealth rose more during Covid-19 pandemic than in 23 years combined
Dr Anthony O'Connor: 'The rhetoric of “all being in it together” is dead'
Dr Anthony O'Connor
Ireland's tax system does 'the most in Europe to reduce inequality', says ESRI
Private cancer patients getting access to drugs that public patients can't get is 'incredibly unfair'
Lynn Ruane: 'We need to change society radically from the ground up'
Lynn Ruane
Ruud Gullit: 'Almost impossible' for a black person to speak out
Sterling claims newspapers 'help fuel racism' following alleged abuse at Stamford Bridge
How access to health services differs if you've private insurance or are 'in the twilight zone'
Homeless and Traveller children 'falling through gaps' in education system
'For those concerned about the decline in real wages, there is a solution - join a trade union'
Paul Dillon
The world's richest 1% swallowed up 82% of the wealth created last year
Dismantling the myth that 'women don't want to do the dirty jobs that men do'
'The start of Paschal's troubles': Primary teachers reject public sector pay deal
Suicide is killing the most disadvantaged and vulnerable people in Ireland
'You'll never work in this town again': Mila Kunis reveals producer's threat after refusing to pose semi-naked
Who was this Budget for? Big business, landlords and property developers
Paul Murphy
One in 40 people living in Dublin is a millionaire, according to a new survey
“Tax the rich” isn’t going to solve our problems after the election
Aaron McKenna
'Everyday we work to close the gap': Are the rich still getting richer?
A few dozen people now own as much wealth as half of the world's population
This is why Joan Burton is hailing a 'landmark moment' in Ireland's recovery
David McWilliams turns down Celebrity Economist Debtmatch with Dan O'Brien
Pope Francis will make powerful enemies tomorrow by releasing a radical new document
John Gibbons
Why a fatal Porsche crash is causing uproar in Iran
There are now 1,826 billionaires in the world (as the gap between rich and poor widens further)
Jim Clarken
The gap between the rich and poor is widening, thanks to this government
Eoin Ó Broin
How much do the top 1% in Ireland earn a year?
The top 1% could soon own more than HALF of global wealth
Half of all Irish people are willing to pay more tax...
You were probably taught by a man in university