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This year
Updated online safety code criticised for not addressing ‘toxic and harmful’ algorithms
Rights watchdog alarmed at 'arbitrary removal' of Irish social media posts about Palestine
Last year
Gardaí carrying out full reviews of 1971 murders of Una Lynskey and Martin Kerrigan
Court dismisses claim DPC failed to fully investigate complaint over alleged Google data breach
'Money today for data tomorrow': Why are Tesco Clubcard prices so appealing?
Cyber security watchdog to outline what IT equipment Govt can buy amid Chinese CCTV concerns
Human rights group raises concerns over Chinese cameras at the Oireachtas
All time
Irish Council for Civil Liberties demands that Gardaí not receive power to compel a password
Rights group ‘strongly opposed’ to gardaí being granted facial-recognition technology
Data complaint lodged against GeoDirectory for 'selling personal information' to companies
Opinion: Under-funded and inadequately equipped coroner service needs reform
Liam Herrick
Ombudsman opens inquiry into whether EU is properly monitoring GDPR application in Ireland
Irish Council for Civil Liberties calls for mandatory hotel quarantine to be suspended
UN asked to request that Irish govt sets up independent investigation into Mother and Baby Homes
Call for lockdown protest guidelines after violence at Dublin demonstration
ICCL calls on Gardaí to stop using 'humiliating' anti-spit hoods after NI Policing Board report
Separation between NPHET's guidance and government's decisions has 'become confused', TDs told
Urgent report being carried out into the 'lessons learned' by gardaí at Dublin eviction
Human rights group calls on health minister to justify extending emergency garda powers
Covid-19: Spread of coronavirus raises difficult questions over data privacy
'Extremely problematic': Civil liberties body calls for a halt on plans to introduce body cams for gardaí
'No-one has been held responsible': Case of Dara Quigley to come before Oireachtas committee
'A mistake government doesn't need to make': Refusing to publish PSC report 'absurd', activists claim
Protest concerns raised by civil liberties body after reports of Direct Provision residents being targeted
'Answers are overdue': Almost a year on, it's still unclear if probe into legality of PSC will be published
An Garda Síochána has 'never fully embraced human rights standards'
Ireland has the highest rates of some hate crimes in the EU, but no proper laws to address it
'We are trying to sound the alarm' - committee hears Public Services Card is a legal ticking time bomb
'We were bad, what Ireland is doing is 10 times worse' - International experts unimpressed with Public Services Card
Tributes paid to 'fearless and brilliant campaigner' Donal Toolan
Flying somewhere? The EU wants to add you to a giant database of passenger details
Guards being able to investigate guards is 'questionable' - GSOC chief
Investor compensation fund able to deal with future significant company failures
UN committee members hear call for independent Magdalene inquiry
Restrictive Irish abortion law 'could be rejected by Europe'
Vote for civil marriage for same-sex couples 'an historic step'
British Airways worker wins landmark religious discrimination case
Ireland's abortion law under spotlight in Strasbourg
Civil liberties group slams Creighton's "intransigence" on abortion ruling
Cautious welcome given to progress on constitutional convention