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'Two fingers to the Irish people': Taoiseach urged to nationalise entire St Vincent's campus if healthcare group refuses to budge on ownership
Here's What Happened Today: Tuesday
HSE says Athlone outbreak is 'probably' Delta variant as Tánaiste says there is reason for 'concern', but not panic
People in their 20s will be fully vaccinated by the end of September - HSE
Coronavirus: 288 new cases confirmed in Ireland
People in 20s to get first Covid jabs in late August or early September
Reader Q&A: What do you want to know about the vaccine roll-out to the 35-39 age cohort?
Ireland to send ventilators and defibrillators to help Nepal fight Covid-19
Coronavirus: 242 new cases confirmed in Ireland
Doctors displeased with some 'alarming' terms in draft Sláintecare consultant contract
HSE may have to replace 30,000 laptops as a result of cyber attack
Coronavirus: 465 new cases confirmed in Ireland
Almost 2.9 million Covid-19 vaccine doses administered so far in Ireland, HSE CEO says
Government set new target of 2.5 million adults fully vaccinated by end of July
HSE effort to rebuild systems after ransomware attack is 'gaining momentum'
HSE hack: Sensitive data from 520 patients leaked online
Cyber attack will likely cost HSE over €100 million, Paul Reid says
Target to vaccinate 82% of adults by end of June 'likely to be missed by a few weeks'
Debunked: Messages shared on WhatsApp claim that scammers are calling people with their HSE data
Hospital secures court injunction against those behind private IT system cyber attack
National Cyber Security Centre director salary should be up to €290,000, Committee hears
HSE obtains court order allowing doctors to carry out c-section on prisoner with mental illness
Government bracing for potential release of HSE data
HSE making progress on restoring health systems, but disruption to continue next week
Explainer: What is a decryption tool and why would hackers hand it over without receiving a ransom?
The Explainer: What is the impact of the HSE cyberattack?
HSE ransomware attack began on a single computer when an employee clicked on a link
Warning as fraudsters see HSE hack as opportunity to scam people with calls and texts
Covid-19 vaccine portal back in operation, and opens for 48-year-olds
Patient receiving offer of medical procedure from abroad 'seems to align' with HSE hack, Dáil told
HSE says staff will be paid this week but there may be issues with amounts
CervicalCheck asks GPs to postpone smear tests booked this week after HSE cyber attack
Reader Q&A: The vaccine portal is open for those aged 45 to 49 - here's what you need to know
HSE ransomware attack: 'Is it possible that sensitive information has been downloaded? Unfortunately, yes'
HSE ransomware attack: Healthcare disruption could 'mount' in days and weeks ahead
High volumes at Covid testings centres amid ransomware disruption
HSE sued by company that failed to secure €12m contract to provide air ambulance services
Reader Q&A: What do you want to know about the vaccine rollout to the over 40s?
Risk patients' medical data affected by HSE ransomware attack 'will be abused', government warns
'Anyone who worked the weekend has aged hugely': Emergency staff under intense pressure amid HSE hack