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# Healthcare

Last year
'Still a long way to go' in removing stigma around menopause in Ireland
Opinion: Menopause is a workplace issue - it must be addressed as such by employers
Katie Ridge
Nursing home charges: Legal strategy was 'never challenged' by politicians, says top civil servant
UK faces 'hugely disrupted day' as biggest strike action in NHS history takes place
Government to establish group to examine the rising cost of health-related legal claims
‘Fragmented and unpredictable’: Healthcare services failing island communities
Galway hospital becomes first in Ireland and UK to use robotic technology in heart procedures
ESRI: Extending free GP care to all by 2026 could cost state up to €881 million
Healthcare services situation ‘matching or exceeding most pessimistic model’, HSE boss says
HSE rolls out walk-in flu vaccines for children after 700 hospitalisations over winter
Consultants warn of stark impacts for patients due to 'avoidable delays' in health system
'Not acceptable' that people are dying due to overcrowding, says INMO
Opinion: Should we rethink how we approach men's healthcare?
Dr Seamus Cowman
All time
Taoiseach aims to reduce wait for child healthcare and assessments by 2025
Opinion: As a carer, I have met the best of people in colleagues and clients
Breda Pagett
Patient Safety Bill to be amended after TDs raise concerns
Final cost of National Children’s Hospital ‘may not be known for years’
Full abortion services to be commissioned in Northern Ireland
Healthcare report shows increase in ED attendances and outpatient appointments
CervicalCheck review highlights patients' ongoing fight for justice
Further investment in trans healthcare services needed, clinicians tell TDs
Hundreds of thousands of people march in support for Madrid's public healthcare
Cancer patients in deprived communities 'being left behind' due to inequality of care
Trade union asks Health Minister to extend Covid-19 payment to contracted frontline workers
Department of Health to be asked to consider certificates commemorating early pregnancy losses
NHS sets up 'war rooms' to cope with difficult winter
Pharmacist: HRT and supplements for menopause have greatly improved - there's no need to suffer
Oonagh O’Hagan
March planned to remember Savita on the 10-year anniversary of her death
Spanish baby receives groundbreaking intestinal transplant
HSE announces €169 million winter plan to tackle overcrowding and other issues
Budget 2023 must address 'chronic' overcrowding in Irish hospitals, says INMO
Free contraception scheme for women aged 17 to 25 begins today
€100,000 to be given to families of healthcare staff who died due to Covid-19 through work
Nurses and midwives' union to ballot members on industrial action
Doctors 'struggling to get paid' due to payroll issues in hospital changeover, IMO says
Opinion: E-cigarettes are not part of the solution to a tobacco free Ireland
Des Cox
Stephen Donnelly: The intimidation of women seeking abortion services will soon be illegal
Stephen Donnelly
GP: Why are we waging a war on e-cigarettes when they help smokers quit?
Dr Garrett McGovern
Official abortion figures for 2021 ‘substantially lower’ than number of terminations carried out
TD ‘beyond embarrassed’ by lack of action on services for autistic children