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# Hacked

All time
Apple's developer site was hacked
Youth Defence says website hack was “illegal and utterly pointless”
FIFA confirm Sepp Blatter's Twitter account was hacked
Public jobs regulator's website accidentally promotes 'sexy girls lingerie' store
Business had €30,000 of calls made without its knowledge after hacking
Vatican tweets Batman story, but says it wasn't hacked
Zendesk security breach affects Twitter, Tumblr & Pinterest users
Burger King's Twitter page is hacked, gains 30k new followers
US hacker who leaked nude celebrity photos jailed
ComReg warns businesses of increase in phone hacking
The Dredge: Lindsay Lohan tweets about Hitler
Hackers target website of Russian court that sentenced Pussy Riot
Reuters says blogging platform hacked
Two arrested for hacking 8.7 million mobile customers in South Korea
Hackers post pilfered Yahoo! passwords
Explainer: what do this week’s password leaks mean for you?
Almost 6.5million LinkedIn passwords apparently leaked online
Rebekah Brooks was hacked by NoTW while editing sister paper The Sun
Interpol website hacked after arrest of 25 suspected Anonymous members
Student sentenced to eight months over Facebook hacking
The Daily Fix: Friday
Hacked FBI-Met Police call refers to intelligence sharing with Irish authorities
Katie Price urges closer EU fiscal union but warns against quantitative easing
Bar Council website hacked
Irish Catholic website hacked
Anonymous 'hacked into 70 US law enforcement websites'
US senator demands investigation into possible 9/11 phone-hacking
MPs to quiz cops on failure to investigate phone-hacking
Gordon Brown's bank account and medical records hacked
Paypal hacked by disgruntled customer
Hacked? Sony Music Ireland website claims members of The Script have died
Fox News's hacked Twitter feed kills Obama
Major US defence contractor Lockheed Martin struck by cyber attack
Sony to resume some PlayStation services following data breach
PlayStation Network users' data compromised after major security breach
Carmelo Anthony's twitter 'hacked' after strange tweet