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# Green Party

All time
No deal reached on government formation with party leader talks to resume
Talks down to the wire as teams push to agree programme for government this weekend
Sean Gallen says it's 'disappointing' Eamon Ryan used the n-word, but he had 'good intentions'
Still some 'heavy lifting' to be done in government formation talks, as teams work towards weekend deal
Independents more stable than the Greens in government, says minister as weekend deadline set for deal
'Progress made' but no breakthrough yet in Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil and Green Party coalition talks
Catherine Martin will challenge Eamon Ryan for the Green Party leadership
Greens, FF and FG to meet today for plenary session on programme for government
Opinion: 'Caretaker governments without any limitations on powers do no favours for democracy'
Hugh O’Donnell
Eamon Ryan says he wasn't thrown by letter that urged Catherine Martin to contest leadership
Catherine Martin will give 'serious consideration' to contesting the Green Party leadership
Green Party cllr 'wants to find out' if fire on Bull Island is connected to the return of cars
After weekend row, Varadkar, Martin and Ryan sat down for talks on government formation today
Full week of meetings as FG and FF step up government formation talks with Green Party
FF and FG give assurances on Sláintecare as talks get underway with the Greens
Green Party will enter coalition talks with Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil
'More urgency needed' to form government as two Covid-19 supports require legislation
FF and FG tell the Greens they want to 'tease out' how 7% emissions reduction might be achieved
Varadkar hopes the Green Party will soon decide to enter into formal talks on government formation
Eamon Ryan dismisses suggestion of him becoming the next Taoiseach
Greens want more detail on emission targets and housing from FF-FG
Green Party rules out FG/FF coalition, calls for national unity government to tackle coronavirus
'Tetchy' Fianna Fáil meeting as Micheál Martin told strategy of hammering SF is damaging the party
Greens should be 'extremely' careful about going into government with FG or FF, says ex-Labour minister
Mary Lou McDonald warns Green Party that going in with FF and FG would be a 'mistake'
Fine Gael meeting hears party 'wouldn't be worse off' by another election and might even pick up more seats
Green leader Ryan says Dáil numbers are 'difficult' but 'that doesn't stop us talking to Sinn Féin'
Green Party leader Eamon Ryan doesn't see the numbers on the left for 'a stable government'
Social Democrats accuse Fine Gael of 'game-playing' and cancel meeting
Greens to invite parties to discuss how new government could deliver on housing, health and climate
As Greens weigh up options, new TDs say they don't envisage any splits on 'red line' issues
Éamon Ó Cuív says he's 'completely against' Fianna Fáil going into coalition with Fine Gael and Greens
Catherine Martin's husband to join her in the Dáil
Neither a ripple nor a wave - the Green Party's record-breaking election
Danny Healy-Rae apologises for 'to hell with planet' comment after confrontation with Green Party candidate
The nation has decided. Here's when we'll know the results
'Strength together': Eamon Ryan says Greens, Soc Dems and independents will talk first after election
Soc Dems and Greens look set to win a seat each in Galway West
The Green Party promises free student travel, public housing and a Universal Basic Income
Eamon Ryan: Green Party taoiseach is 'not far away'