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# Government

All time
State has covered the cost of 5,000 funerals and burials over two years
Support for Fine Gael remains strong ... but 44% of voters in favour of general election
Government loses in Dáil as opposition votes to declare national housing emergency
Taoiseach meets with former Fine Gaeler Fitzpatrick after he said party has become 'style over substance'
TDs get a pay rise totalling nearly €1k today
Here are just some of the government's priorities for the months ahead
After a 68-day break, the Dáil is back. Here's what's on the agenda
'Trump's mood and tone on his Irish visit will be shaped by what happens the week before'
Larry Donnelly
Mixed reaction to step back from gender quotas for local elections
National Broadband Plan 'hanging on a thread' as SSE pulls out of National Broadband Plan
'Putting our shameful past behind us': Mother and baby home forum meets for the first time
Government to fund US and Canadian students to come here to learn Irish
Tuam: Ex-residents and families want further excavation and DNA analysis
Motion seeking redress for victims abused as children passes despite government opposition
'Completely misjudged' or necessary investment? Private companies offer mortgage-to-rent scheme
Government announces 800 additional SNAs in schools for next term
Children's rights groups angry at Dáil vote setting digital age of consent at 16 (they wanted it to be 13)
Sean Canney quits the Independent Alliance
Government approves plans to give 14,000 carers free GP cards
'It was not an appropriate comment to make': Minister slapped down for comments about coalition with Sinn Féin
Play golf on paternity leave? You're lucky to have time to breathe
Cianan Brennan
68 people killed in Venezuelan jail fire
'It could have saved my life': HSE launches information campaign on the HPV vaccine
County breakdown: Here's how much is being spent tackling illegal dumping
People are unsure if the government is doing a good job on Brexit
Just under half of people trust the government
'A distraction': Review will look at abolishing the Strategic Communications Unit
From 2022, workers will be 'auto enrolled' on pension savings schemes
Government will offer an extra week of fuel allowance during the cold snap
Ireland is way behind on its tree-planting schedule
Cabinet approves draft bill clearing way Oireachtas to set new abortion laws if 8th is repealed
Empty lots in cities to be snapped up to help achieve 35,000 new builds a year
Australia bans sex between ministers and their staff after deputy PM's affair
Number of websites infected by cryptocurrency hack, Ireland's National Cyber Security Centre says
Rural broadband: Compensation for homeowners as new law to give access to private land
Why did Eir quit the State's broadband plan, and what now for rural Ireland?
Trump calls for 'nuclear option' in bid to end government shutdown in US
Drop in support for Fine Gael as voters say health service issues would impact their vote
Here’s why you may not be benefitting from the government’s big plan to bring down your car insurance
US gov shutdown: Trump blames Democrats for being 'too concerned with illegal immigrants'