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# Global Warming

All time
This cruise ship is taking 1,000 super rich passengers on a controversial journey
Donald Trump cites global warming as reason to build his Atlantic wall in Co Clare
February hottest on record as UN warns of 'unprecedented' rate of climate change
2015 was the hottest year EVER on record
The weather is getting weirder. There's a hurricane FIVE MONTHS before hurricane season
What would Ireland need to do to become fossil fuel free?
Shocking photo of emaciated polar bear goes viral
Poll: Do you care about climate change?
We’re playing God with the lives of the poorest people on Earth
Donal O'Keeffe
Shocking photos show the many ways humans are destroying the Earth
Global warming means polar bears are now eating dolphins for the first time ever
2014 was the hottest year in modern history
Alan Kelly thinks a new UN climate deal is a good one, but Mary Robinson doesn't agree
Here's why cold weather doesn't mean global warming isn't real
World leaders cuddle koalas, try to solve global warming
China and the US agreed a climate deal - here's why it matters
Here's What Happened Today: Sunday
Not worried about global warming? Here's why you should be
New York police arrest protesting polar bear* ahead of UN climate talks
The 'pause' in global warming could last another 10 years
Gingers could go extinct due to warming temperatures
Nasa cancels satellite launch with just 46 seconds to go
Opinion: A green lifestyle is a nice but trivial gesture – we must focus on nuclear fusion
Lorraine Courtney
"Unstoppable" melting of Antarctic ice will have major impact on sea level, scientists warn
"Little more than lipstick on a pig." Environment groups not happy with Ireland's climate change plan
Column: Here's where we can make cuts – and savings! – that won’t hurt services, jobs or salaries
Anna Heussaff
'Incensed' anti-pylon groups take their protest to Leinster House
Teenagers to tell politicians what they think about same-sex marriage… as Gaeilge
Pacific islander loses bid to become world's first 'climate change refugee'
An Taisce claim air-travel tax will be re-introduced to combat climate change
Top readers’ comments of the week
IKEA is selling solar panels, yay! But not in Ireland, boo!
Meteorologist vows to never fly again after climate change report
Here’s what happened today: Friday
Poll: Do you believe in global warming?
Column: Climate change might not seem important – but it will have an impact on us all
Gavin Harte
Aircraft-mounted cameras capture stunning views of polar regions
Watch the North Pole turn into a lake