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# General Election

All time
Poll: Do you want there to be a general election this year?
Ex-Siptu boss Jack O'Connor's name put forward as Labour candidate
Mayo GAA star lined up for general election bid to replace Enda Kenny
Poll: Are you glad there won't be an election before Christmas?
Crisis averted as Frances Fitzgerald resigns from Cabinet
Former minister says next Dáil may have to dissolve 'at earliest possible moment' over constituency changes
Varadkar and Martin meet again this morning in last-ditch efforts to avert Christmas election
Former minister says having general election before constituency changes are made would be 'unconstitutional'
Tánaiste Frances Fitzgerald to allow name to go forward in Dublin Mid West general election convention
All to play for: Timely opinion poll shows FG dropping and FF catching
How much would a general election delay a referendum on the Eighth Amendment?
Explainer: Why we are on the verge of a general election
Labour wants the HPV vaccine to be rolled out to boys sooner rather than later
Poll: Do you want a general election to be held next year?
'The big thing is I can vote for myself' - Here's what boundary changes mean for some TDs
Ukip leader Paul Nuttall resigns
With support from grime artists and actors, young voters turned out in droves for Corbyn
Sterling tumbles in wake of UK election
'Theresa Dismay': Here's how the UK papers are reacting to the historic election result
Labour's Diane Abbott takes break from campaigning due to ill health
It's almost neck and neck between May and Corbyn ahead of Thursday's election
Poll: Who do you want to be the next British Prime Minister?
Jeremy Paxman had May and Corbyn in his sights last night but failed to land a knockout punch
Fine Gael has overtaken Fianna Fáil for first time since general election
Labour catching up in polls as UK politicians resume campaigning after Manchester attack
'It's never mattered more': Brits living in Ireland have until tomorrow to have a say in general election
Leaked manifesto and running over a cameraman's foot - it's been a bad day for Jeremy Corbyn
Tony Blair promises to get 'hands dirty' as he re-enters UK politics to fight Brexit
Nicola Sturgeon calls large Tory win in UK election 'a horrifying prospect'
The House of Commons has voted by 522 to 13 to hold a general election on 8 June
Snap election to be held in UK on 8 June
Fianna Fáil may not support new Fine Gael Taoiseach if water charges debacle not resolved
Sinn Féin may want one, but most Irish people are in no mood for a general election right now
Enda rules out general election and Cabinet reshuffle in the near future
'Marry me, so we don’t break up': The political proposals of 2016 that got it all wrong
Eoghan McDermott
Islanders will be able to vote on the same day as the rest of the country
Iceland scrambles to form government after Pirate Party falls short
Station made "personal and pointed" remarks about election candidate who didn't turn up for interview
Bertie Ahern is feeling good about Fianna Fáil's general election chances
Enda Kenny tells constituency colleagues he's not going anywhere