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# ge2020

All time
Social Democrats member alleged to have voted twice in general election
Tom Clonan: The messaging from this new government has been an omnishambles
Tom Clonan
Eoin Ó Broin: Now is the time for the Government to borrow and invest in public housing
Eoin Ó Broin
Opinion: The programme for government is like a visit from Santa for cyclists
Martina Callanan
If PfG is rejected, Micheál Martin says 'there is no Plan B' while Mary Lou McDonald says 'there will have to be talks'
Paul Murphy: Green members shouldn't back the deal with FF and FG - it's just not worth it
Paul Murphy
Ciarán Cuffe: There's an extraordinary opportunity here for the Greens in government
Ciarán Cuffe
Leaders of Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and Green Party agree on draft programme for government
Opinion: 'Caretaker governments without any limitations on powers do no favours for democracy'
Hugh O’Donnell
After weekend row, Varadkar, Martin and Ryan sat down for talks on government formation today
Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil to enter 'detailed' talks on government formation as 'equal partners'
Lise Hand: A leadership race in the midst of the Covid-19 outbreak? Labour can't catch a break
Lise Hand
Greens should be 'extremely' careful about going into government with FG or FF, says ex-Labour minister
Sinn Féin surges since general election to commanding 15-point poll lead
Mary Lou McDonald warns Green Party that going in with FF and FG would be a 'mistake'
Opinion: Boston, or Berlin? No, we'll take Sweden or Denmark - this was our ‘Hygge’ election
Rory Hearne
Poll: Would you consider changing your vote in a second election?
Coronavirus and Brexit talks add urgency to government formation, says Simon Coveney
Lise Hand: Mary Lou was borne aloft in a tricolour-draped golden palanquin carved from the bones of fallen Elites
Lise Hand
Hundreds of people attend Sinn Féin rally in Cork
The Explainer: Why don't we have a government yet?
Varadkar says FG isn't planning on entering government, but will meet with Martin early next week
Lise Hand: After a long day, the prospect of an 'accidental' Green Taoiseach gave us 15 seconds of comedic drama
Lise Hand
Micheál Martin announces FF negotiating team, but says coalition with SF 'not the right thing to do'
Healy Raes question SF on election promise funding, saying there's 'no such thing as a free lunch'
Sinn Féin enter Government Buildings for talks with top civil servants
Social Democrats accuse Fine Gael of 'game-playing' and cancel meeting
Fine Gael 'preparing to go into opposition' following marathon parliamentary party meeting
Here's who is in the mix for the job of keeping order in the next Dáil
As government-formation dance continues, Mary Lou McDonald does the Macarena
'We are not ruling it out': Fine Gael is open to going into government with Fianna Fáil
Quiz: How close were you paying attention to the general election campaign?
Bertie Ahern says FF-FG government must involve Greens and SocDems to 'reflect change'
Greens to invite parties to discuss how new government could deliver on housing, health and climate
Dublin needs a new Lord Mayor and Councils need 34 new representatives after General Election
'No paper candidates': How the Social Democrats' GE2020 strategy reaped electoral success
'Surprised, not shocked': What do the North's politicians make of the Sinn Féin surge?
Quiz: How well do you know our new batch of TDs?
'Radical policy', 'throw in the towel' and 'grownups talking': Main parties clash again on government formation
As Greens weigh up options, new TDs say they don't envisage any splits on 'red line' issues