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All time
Tusla 'accidentally disclosed' contact and location information of mother and child victim to alleged abuser
Data protection inquiries launched into Google and Tinder over GDPR concerns
Home addresses of UK Honours recipients accidentally published online
'This is f***ing insane': OPW staff emails show tensions over decision to ban visitor books from sites
'A gross violation': Asylum seekers say post is being opened without consent
Visitor books will be returned to heritage sites after data protection concerns
Data Commission says banning visitor books is a 'disproportionate approach' to data privacy
Facebook warned that ban on children's junk food ads could hurt marketing of Spotify playlists
Facebook says a ban on junk food ads for children could hurt the marketing of Spotify playlists
Data Protection Commission launches investigation into Google Ireland
Irish data watchdog launches probe into Facebook password storage as millions left exposed
Data Protection Commission says it was 'categorically' never lobbied by Enda Kenny
'Friend of Facebook' Enda Kenny offered to lobby on company's behalf while Taoiseach, says Observer article
Data watchdog seeks urgent meeting with Facebook over plans to merge Whatsapp, Instagram and Messenger
Timeline: The Public Services Card saga
Laoise Neylon
Opinion: The PSC could become the most expensive administrative error in the history of the State
Simon McGarr
Fears over publishing anonymous list of former ministers' pensions in case they were easily identifiable
Public consultation on children's data protection rights will begin next week
ESB union refusing to erase ex-members data over 'contractual obligations'
'It's Catch 22': Former members frustrated as main ESB union refuses to confirm that they've left
Department's decision to monitor social media sparks criticism from advocacy groups
13 tweets that show we're all done with GDPR already
Bane of Facebook uses launch of GDPR to file four court cases against social media giants
Some US news websites have been blocked by the new EU data law
Ireland has a new data protection law... just hours before the EU's bumper new regulation comes into force
Watch: What on earth is GDPR, and what does it mean for you?
Explainer: Why you've started seeing lots of 'opt-in' emails in your inbox
The EU's biggest data protection regulation in 30 years hits this Friday - and we want to hear your questions on it
WhatsApp bans under 16s from using its app in Europe
The government wants to exempt itself from the EU's new hardcore data protection rules - but why?
Facebook is making privacy settings easier to find ahead of strict new EU law
Woman has request to see changes made to her own data refused as database 'is blanked every two weeks'