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# Fossil Fuels

All time
'Neglected': Why Ireland is the worst country in the EU at using renewables to make heat energy
Debunked: No, this photo doesn't show a COP26 electric bus being towed by a diesel truck
Ireland joins group of countries working to phase out oil and gas exploration
More than 20 countries and institutions promise to end overseas fossil fuel finance
China to aim to cut fossil energy use to below 20% by 2060
Climate change the biggest single health threat facing humanity, warns WHO
'We can't wait any longer': Biden says US will lead way as he signs executive orders on climate change
Draft law that aims to ban the sale of fossil fuel cars by 2030 published today
'It's hypocrisy': TDs, senators and Hollywood actors round on the government over US fracked gas being used in Ireland
Government currently considering 10 petroleum licence applications in Irish waters
Taoiseach tells UN Climate Summit that exploration for oil in Irish waters will end
Taoiseach urged to tell banks to stop investing in fossil fuels during his UN speech in New York
Micheál Martin puts pressure on Fine Gael to include green policies in this year's Budget
Opinion: When it comes to climate change, is the petroleum industry the only 'bad guy'?
Kevin McPartlan
Enniscorthy to become the New Delhi of Ireland if smoky coal ban not rolled out, Dáil hears
'Shenanigans' - Dáil suspended twice after TDs row over fossil fuel Bill
Minister criticised for committing to offshore oil drilling and saying it can deliver benefits to the Irish people
Ireland to be the world’s first country to divest public money from fossil fuels
Fossil Fuel Divestment Bill: 'A huge step forward, and one Ireland needs to take'
Paul Healy
Do we want our beaches strewn with stranded dolphins?
Sinead Mercier
'A historic day': Ireland on a path to being the 4th country in the world to ban fossil fuel exploration
Could banana peel be Ireland's next alternative fuel?
Trump defends appointing a climate sceptic and a fast food boss to his Cabinet
It isn't the fog that China is having difficulty seeing through
G7 leaders agree to phase out oil, gas and coal use by end of this century
ESB wants its government owners to axe wind and solar power support
Ireland's electricity is the most expensive of anywhere in Europe
How cooking with coal and wood fires is killing millions around the world
You may be judged on your fuel efficiency in a new driving test
Poor people in Europe forced to choose between heating and eating
EU Commission sets out plan to harvest energy from our seas and oceans
Poll: Should Ireland consider nuclear power?
How this plane is travelling across America without any fuel
Column: The UK is exploring its shale gas future, we should do the same
Aaron McKenna
The 7 most important oil chokepoints in the world
Column: We believe economic growth can save us… but can it?
Dermot McNally
Oireachtas committee to visit Leitrim to discuss fracking
Calls to exclude fossil fuel industry from all fracking research
Column: We need to face facts - this is the end of cheap oil for Ireland
Eamon Ryan
Column: For now, Ireland’s oil reserves are best off in private hands
Simon Tuohy