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# Fodder

This year
New payments for fodder transport announced in 'brutal year' for farming
All time
'Unlikely that we will be able grow enough': Farmers warn of fodder crisis after drought
Opinion: 'We don't need more leaflets from Teagasc. We don't need grants to build more sheds'
Pippa Hackett
€1.5m allocated to support fodder imports in effort to ease feed crisis
Explainer: What is the fodder crisis and how are farmers being affected?
Government announces plans to import fodder ... but criticism of the shortages rumbles on
Farmers are calling a fodder crisis ...but the government says there is sufficient supply
Poll: Do you think the media intrudes too much on the lives of celebrities?
Over 30,000 tonnes of fodder delivered to struggling farmers
Fodder scheme doubled to €2m and extended for two more weeks
20 per cent increase in dead animals as fodder crisis deepens
Fodder from France due tomorrow for stricken Irish farmers
€250,000 fodder fund set up for farmers in crisis
Coveney extends fodder scheme: 'No animals should die of starvation'
3,000 tonnes of fodder from France to help farmers in 'crisis'
Government announces €1 million fodder fund for farmers
Methane released by livestock could be reduced by new diet