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# Far-right

All time
France's Marine Le Pen charged over Islamic State tweets
Ireland's secretive anti-fascist group says far-right here can be 'extremely violent and dangerous'
Even communities that condemn far-right terror attacks don't become more positive about migrants, study finds
Co-leader of far-right party quits just hours after German election breakthrough
Steve Bannon calls white nationalists 'losers'
If Marine Le Pen wins election, her prime minister will be a far-right eurosceptic
Marine Le Pen steps down as leader of her party
Extremist who called Jewish people 'subhuman animals' jailed in London
Far-right Dutch MP says 'there is a lot of Moroccan scum' as he launches election campaign
Dutch far right MP sparks fake news row after photoshopping rival into tweet with radical Islamists
'These ideas won't wash with Irish people': Why the alt-right has little standing in Ireland
Marine Le Pen spotted at Trump Tower but insists she was just having a coffee
Enda Kenny says he doesn't regret the comments he made in the Dáil about Donald Trump
'Ireland would be the biggest loser from a breakup of the EU': Irish MEPs on Europe's future
Far-right leader says Germany 'has to close its borders'
'Poisonous': Nigel Farage's comments about Jo Cox's widower criticised
French presidential race: 'Who will beat Marine Le Pen?'
Neale Richmond
Notorious right-wing American website to expand to France in advance of Le Pen presidential run
In a dramatic move, Austria has overturned its presidential election result
"Now it's our turn": Brexit sparks hope for Europe's far right
Another big name has thrown his support behind Donald Trump
The rise of France’s far-right has their opponents so worried they're teaming up
Far-right extremists planned to set fire to migrant camps in Germany
Man charged with carving swastika into cyclist's forehead
'It's dirty to kill your own daddy': France's far right-wing party is at war
A fateful Paris shopping trip, and the death that rocked France
Far right's Le Pen pulls out of elections over fight with his daughter
Polish far-right leader calls protesters "the agents of Putin in Ireland"
Angry scenes at venue where far-right Polish leader due to appear
Cork hotel cancels debate with Polish far-right politician
France's far-right political dynasty in crisis after 'gas chamber comments'
Crowley's aligning himself with racist, xenophobic, anti-gay parties --- Micheál Martin
Fianna Fáil says Brian Cowley's move to Eurosceptic group is 'unacceptable'
Attacks on foreigners in Germany rise by 20%
Holocaust denial is a 'favourite sport' for some, says Shatter
German authorities use 'Nazi Shazam' in crackdown on far-right radio stations
Two people killed outside offices of Greek far-right party Golden Dawn
English Defence Leader founder Tommy Robinson quits group
Leader of far-right Golden Dawn detained on criminal charges
EDL leader arrested after breaking police ban on Woolwich march