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# Facebook

All time
Facebook seeks to quash Data Protection Commissioner's decision over transfer of user data
Facebook launches High Court challenge to DPC's order to suspend EU-US data transfers
Facebook told it can no longer send user data from EU to US
Debunked: The claims in this Facebook video about suicide figures and number of Covid deaths in Ireland are inaccurate
TikTok working to remove suicide video clips
Facebook threatens to block sharing of news stories in Australia
Facebook admits 'operational mistake' over posts about Wisconsin protests
Facebook blames coronavirus for hampering efforts to remove suicide posts from its platforms
Social media giants Facebook and Twitter take action against Trump misinformation online
Explainer: TikTok is on the block but why has Donald Trump given Microsoft 45 days to make a bid?
Head honchos at Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon to face questions from US politicians today
Gardaí launch crackdown on thieves using Facebook Marketplace to sell stolen high-end cosmetics
Europe's highest court rules that data protection arrangement between EU and US is invalid
Highest European court expected to rule on data privacy case today
Opinion: Ireland is in prime position to hold social networks to account - and we must
Paul Tweed
'9 years at the top could make your head swell, but come the first session of the year, they’re nobodies'
Unfriended: Is #StopHateForProfit a tipping point for Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg?
Coca Cola suspends ads on social media as platforms come under fire over handling of racist content
Debunked: No, all UK residents won't have to get microchipped starting from January 2021
HSE was 'gifted' €544,000 in free advertising by Google and Facebook during Covid-19 pandemic
Facebook removes Trump campaign ad for use of upside down red triangle used by Nazis
Facebook launches voter information centre amid concern over Trump posts
Debunked: No, contact tracing apps have not been installed on every Android phone
Facebook rejects Australian calls to share advertising revenues with the media
Debunked: No, Leo Varadkar is not going to the Supreme Court to make a coronavirus vaccine mandatory
Zuckerberg vows to review Facebook policies after internal anger over Trump's posts
Debunked: No, some Penneys stores are not reopening on a trial basis this week
Facebook says it's flagged 50 million misleading coronavirus posts since March
Debunked: No, researchers did not 'invent' the coronavirus in 2015
Leo Varadkar says charging Google and Facebook for news media content is 'a good idea'
Australia to make Google and Facebook pay for news content amid falling advertising revenue
Debunked: No, this is not a picture of Bulgarian workers outside a supermarket in Dublin this week
Debunked: No, there is not enough evidence that a malaria drug and an antibiotic can lead to a quick recovery from Covid-19
Poll: Should social media companies do more to tackle the spread of Covid-19 misinformation?
New WhatsApp restrictions to curb the spread of misinformation about Covid-19
EU threatens big tech companies with 'stricter' regulation following meeting with Zuckerberg
Facebook postpones Valentine's Day launch for dating app due to data regulator's concerns
Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil spend up to €1,000 on ads criticising each other over Sinn Féin
Sinn Féin's surge could be seen on Facebook before it showed up in the polls
The social election: A €100k Facebook splurge by FF & FG ... and Michael Healy-Rae wins Instagram