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# Eurozone

All time
It's crunch time for Greece's anti-austerity plans. And Germany is the biggest hurdle
Greece says no to bailout extension, but pledges to honour its debt
Opinion: Break up the eurozone and slim down the EU – or voters will do it for us
Aaron McKenna
'Greek people have a very unhealthy relationship when it comes to paying tax'
The money in your pocket is at its lowest value for ten years
It's not the best time to order stuff from America...
Explainer: Why a 'Grexit' would be bad news for Ireland... but probably won't happen
Today is a very good day to have a pocket full of Swiss francs
The head of the ECB is greasing markets for a money-printing injection
Oil prices tumbled AGAIN today – to the lowest level in six years
The ECB will get radical soon to stop the eurozone going down a deflationary hole
EU says you can't be booted out of the eurozone as membership is 'irrevocable'
This chart shows why you're getting less and less US dollars for your euro
Another country is switching over to the euro currency tomorrow...
ECB warns countries to get economies in order as 'populist parties' are on the rise
Snap elections to be held after Greece fails to elect a president
Ireland's economy grew 'spectacularly' this year
Greece receives two-month extension on its bailout as 300 arrested in protests
European economies look even sicker than expected, but the ECB isn't getting radical yet
Ireland's biggest banks are getting a new regulator today and here's how it's going to work
EU countries have posted a big surplus thanks mostly to one nation...
The ECB will start its shopping spree within weeks to get the eurozone going
Is that the new €10 note in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Ireland's industrial output motoring ahead: Eurostat
The ECB's "extreme" anti-deflation measures could now be worth €1 trillion
"Second class Euro membership": Ireland could lose automatic right to ECB vote
Angela Merkel's 'Dr No' makes Ireland's search for a bank debt deal much harder
Merkel ally: I told Enda Kenny that Ireland has no chance of a bank debt deal
If EU house price rises were a music chart, would Ireland make the top 5?
An Oireachtas committee wants your ideas on how to grow the economy of Europe
ECB announces negative rate in bid to fight deflation
ECB action could be 'too little, too late' as eurozone inflation slows to 0.5 per cent
Banning mobile phones and cigarettes - this MEP candidate wants a simpler way of life
Mario has a bonus for tracker mortgage holders next month
Unemployment down in eurozone but 18 million still jobless
Merkel on bank debt deal: ‘I have a positive outlook on the possible outcome’
No interest rate break for tracker holders
Column: The fight for the future of Ukraine is not over – not by a long shot
David Moloney
Column: Will Kenny finish the job he started as a 'reforming' leader in Brussels?
David Moloney
Explainer: What is this SEPA thing all about?