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# European Parliament

All time
MEPs vote in controversial laws that places copyright responsibility on Google and YouTube
High Court Master says case could be taken against Ireland over special tax treatment given to vulture funds
Billy Kelleher will run as an MEP candidate for Fianna Fáil
Explainer: Here's what scrapping seasonal clock changes will mean
Ireland in line for extra summer Bank Holiday as MEPs look to mark Europe Day
A new EU directive means it will soon be mandatory for people to be sent SMS alerts during terror attacks
New EU rules aim to cut down on amount of bottled water people drink
EU parliament approves ban on single-use plastics, including straws and cotton buds
Here's what new rules to stop 'unfair' grocery deals could mean for the Irish food sector
France's Macron warns MEPs of growing sense of authoritarianism in Europe
Irish ECB candidate Philip Lane wins backing of key EU parliament committee
'It doesn't give the fish a chance': Irish MEPs urged to vote against electric pulse fishing
MEP McGuinness writes to harassment committee over Ming Flanagan's 'puppy' remarks
'The marine equivalent of fracking': Europe to legalise controversial pulse fishing
EU parliament president shocked at 'hotbed of harassment' claims
'This company has simply treated passengers abysmally': Ryanair criticised in EU Parliament
Fine Gael MEP says Ireland needs to re-examine its neutrality ahead of Brexit
Juncker lays into 'ridiculous' European Parliament after just 30 of 751 MEPs show up for debate
Marine Le Pen has been charged with misuse of European funds
Irish MEPs criticised as term 'mompreneur' used in European Parliament
New laws are coming in to cut 'food fraud' and prevent another horsemeat scandal
'He’s lying to you' - UK MEP explains why he held up sign behind Nigel Farage
New rules will allow you to use Netflix or Spotify unrestricted across the EU
This Irish woman is in the running for the European Parliament presidency
Call for more monitoring of super trawlers after dolphin deaths
MEPs laugh at Jean-Claude Juncker when he says Europe is fighting tax evasion
FactCheck: Is Luke 'Ming' Flanagan right about other Irish MEPs' poor record of attendance?
"Why are you here?" - An EU chief wasn't impressed with Nigel Farage today
Explainer: So what do the EU's new plans for online shopping mean for you?
Attendance by Irish MEPs in Euro Parliament hits six-year low
Irish MEP left behind in Dublin Airport by Lufthansa
Egypt government rejects UN mistreatment claim in Halawa case
Egypt rejects call to release Ibrahim Halawa as trial postponed again
European Parliament passes resolution calling for immediate release of Ibrahim Halawa
Two right-wing MEPs have been suspended for making Nazi salutes
Is Sinn Féin now in favour of water charges?
'Thuggery disguised as protest': Why are so many people against Uber?
Here's why having Irish gives you a big leg up in grabbing a €52k EU job
Fine Gael MEPs have been compared to fascists
Left-wing campaigners are derailing a US free-trade deal for 'political reasons': Hayes