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This month
July 2024
Hospitalisations and deaths linked to hot weather are set to increase due to climate change
Covid infection rates were more than a third higher in deprived areas
Future housing demand dependant on migration levels, new report says
Last month
June 2024
Ireland's economy will grow this year and next, with households seeing increase in real wages
Refugees struggling to transition from IPAS accommodation and into mainstream housing
'Greenwashing' makes it difficult for public to identify genuine eco-friendly products, says study
May 2024
Poor housing affects mothers' and kids' mental health and relationship with each other
Ireland's 13-year-olds have fewer friends but better familial relationships than a decade ago
Young people tend to underestimate how worried older people are about climate change - study
Most Irish people underestimate the link between eating red meat and climate change - ESRI
Households in Ireland are bigger than those in other European countries on average
This year
A third of Irish teens go to single-sex schools - but new research shows they don't want to
Language barrier among challenges for Ukrainians trying to work or study in Ireland
Employment recovery post-Covid was due to supports during pandemic, says study
Lower educational qualifications 'key driver' of weaker employment rates in NI compared to Ireland
The Irish economy is set to grow this year and next as rate of inflation decreases
That’s according to the ESRI quarterly economic commentary report published today.
64% of young men use pornography but people who do are 'less satisfied with their lives' - ESRI
A new study says that a dislike of anti-car policies tends to change once plans are implemented
‘Stricter’ environmental and building regulations placed on new homes in Ireland than in the UK
Young caregivers receive poorer Leaving Cert grades than their peers, new study shows
Study finds negative stereotypes about disabilities may fuel excuses for ableism
ESRI report says government's housing targets are 'too low' to meet population growth
Ireland's nursing home sector 'under threat of failure' amid post-pandemic challenges - report
Fourteen private operators control 40% of nursing home beds, the study found.
One in five small, private nursing homes have closed for good, since the pandemic.
Private patients receive 55% less subsidy funding compared to patients in the public sector.
Models of care are being wiped out and the sector is under threat, according to one sector representative.
Last year
Irish economy continues to grow despite contraction in GDP for first time in over a decade
Highest number of asylum applications filed on record last year
Most employees aged 15 to 19 receive more than the sub-minimum wage, research finds
Budget measures will increase incomes but purchasing power lower than it was in 2020, says ESRI
One-in-30 people in Ireland have a gambling addiction - ten times higher than was found in 2019
Irish GDP set to contract for the first time in over a decade, ESRI says
Rent for sitting tenants is over 15% lower than rent for newer tenants in similar properties
Means-tested extra child benefit payment could lift 40,000 children out of poverty
Ireland's poorest households saw their income dip even further during the pandemic
Irish households generally don't spend more income on housing compared to elsewhere in Europe
People in disadvantaged areas experienced greater employment disruption during Covid pandemic
Cross-border trade between Ireland and the North 'increased significantly' since Brexit: ESRI
Taoiseach pledges tax cuts despite ESRI saying there is 'no rationale' following summer report
Poll: Should gambling advertising be banned?
There are at least 12,000 problem gamblers in Ireland but probably more, study suggests
Two-thirds of all Covid deaths occurred in care homes, study finds
Consumers are missing out on savings by not 'shopping around' for banks and loans, says ESRI