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# Emergency Accommodation

All time
Record high: There are over 2,700 children and almost 5,000 adults homeless in Ireland
Ireland's homeless figure has just passed 7,000 for the first time
There were 54 unoccupied beds in homeless shelters in Dublin last night
Anti-social behaviour and verbal abuse among complaints over homeless guests in emergency accommodation
The difficulties of being 13, homeless and having nowhere to do your homework
Pregnant mother 'had to view men exposing themselves to her and her son' in homeless accommodation
"The hardest part is telling them there's no bed for the night" - A day in the life of the homeless of Cork
There are now nearly 1,000 homeless families in emergency accommodation in Dublin
Gardaí arrive as residents protest closure of homeless hostel
Woman (18) and baby found on street after failing to get emergency accommodation
Homeless couple spend night in tent outside Regency Hotel after dispute over room
Homeless children staying in adult hostels to 'avoid risk of sleeping rough'
Wheelchair user found sleeping rough on beach in Kerry
The number of children in homeless accommodation in Dublin has DOUBLED in a year
Mother fears she will "have to sleep rough" after county council refuses emergency accommodation
People are angry and dismayed that whole families still have to live in hotel rooms
'We have a toilet, a bed, and a desk. That's where we live'
Bloodstained mattresses and rat infestation: just some of the complaints from homeless families to the council
The number of rough sleepers has gone down in Dublin (but there are more homeless people)
Mother-of-two fears she will be kicked out of council home after partner's death
Carrickmines survivors are now living in this car park
Carrickmines fire victims remembered at candelit vigil
Could one of these six homes be the answer to the homeless crisis?
Alan Kelly and Fr Peter McVerry are fighting again
Peter McVerry says hostels are such a disgrace he's been advising people to sleep rough
'I’m going to have surgery, then I start chemo, then I’ll be homeless'
'One father told his little boys they were on holiday'
Homeless pregnant woman with young son 'left without emergency accommodation'
Dublin homeless centre closes after attacks on staff
The number of homeless children is still rising
Mother and three children forced to take damp two-bed flat with sewage issues
Twenty more emergency beds will be available from tonight
A plaque has been erected in the doorway where Jonathan Corrie died
"Sometimes we have people sleeping on the floor of the recreation room"
€500m needed to tackle homelessness as 'ten children a week lose their home'
Where would you stay if you became homeless tomorrow?
'Emergency accommodation is just that - for emergencies, not long term'
Children living in emergency accommodation: growing up in fear and isolation
Dublin Mayor: It's 'bullsh*t' gardaí can't take in homeless under-18s without social worker
'Mam I'm not going to school today, what if the kids ask me where I live'