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# Election

All time
Italy's Salvini touts plan to 'save Europe' after Steve Bannon talks
A tale of two letters: Election speculation rife this week as Leo says it's 'prudent' to be ready
Mnangagwa calls for Zimbabwe to unify as opposition cries foul
Zimbabwe opposition leader lashes 'unverified fake results' as Zanu-PF claim victory
Zimbabwe government vows to enforce security crackdown to prevent further protests
Three shot dead after Zimbabwean army opens fire on protest
Voting closes after high turnout in Zimbabwe's first post-Mugabe election
Mugabe hopes his former party will lose Zimbabwe election
Gavin Duffy seeking nomination for presidential election
Watchdog fears foreign ads could influence Irish referendums and elections
Catherine Noone to join Fine Gael ticket in the 'group of death'
Poll: When do you want a general election?
Irish Countrywomen's Association had 'tainted and flawed' advice in ballot papers dispute, court hears
'I'm a political animal': Former Dublin Lord Mayor Christy Burke considering a presidential run
Gerard Craughwell says he'll do his utmost to challenge Michael D for the presidency
'It could be the oddest election ever': What we can expect from the next presidential election
Poll: Do you want a general election this year?
Fianna Fáil to support Michael D Higgins if he chooses to run for second term in office
Independent councillor Nial Ring elected as new Lord Mayor of Dublin
Tóibín concedes he may not be able to run under Sinn Féin banner at next election
Poll: Do you want a general election this year?
'Flat and extraordinarily arrogant', Micheál Martin's verdict on Mary Lou McDonald's speech
Italy has a new prime minister
Venezuela's unpopular leader is the favourite as voters go to the polls
'We're done with corruption': Fiery cleric and paramilitary leader surge in Iraq elections
World's oldest leader to be sworn in at age of 92
'I don't know where my daughters are': Suicide attack on Kabul voter registration centre kills 57
Barnardos chief Fergus Finlay 'very interested' in seeking presidency if Michael D does not
Majority don't want to see a general election this year
Poll: Would you like a general election this year?
Putin records best ever election performance (but western leaders aren't lining up to congratulate him)
Putin on course to become longest-serving Russian leader since Stalin
Democrat Conor Lamb claims victory in key congress election battle in Trump stronghold
Underestimated opposition or Kremlin stooge? Questions over 36-year-old former socialite who is liberal candidate for Russian Presidential election
Oblivious to past scandals, Silvio Berlusconi barrels forward ahead of Italy's election
Ex-Trump campaign chief hit with more fraud charges
Poll: Do you want there to be a general election this year?
Holocaust denier to become Republican nominee for Illinois race for Congress
Ex-Siptu boss Jack O'Connor's name put forward as Labour candidate
Expecting an election next year? Those pesky cable ties are here to stay