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All time
Peter Robinson has resigned as First Minister of Northern Ireland
'How dare she': Joan Burton hits back at Mary Lou
Peter Robinson is back from his holidays and he's taking aim at the UUP
Flanagan warns against "car crash politics" as IRA debate rages on
'No one in my family got one penny from the Nama deal'
Police investigate after Irish tricolour raised over Stormont
Peter Robinson has had a suspected heart attack
"It doesn't belong to Bobby Sands": Gains for Unionists as Sinn Féin lose marginal seat
Sinn Féin defends leaflet amid accusations of 'blatant sectarianism'
"I want to see unionists cooperating": DUP and UUP sign historic election pact
DUP and UUP fanned flames of violent flag riots but lost control
Iris Robinson in "serious breach" over failure to register payments to teenage lover
Offended by 'curry my yoghurt'? Gregory Campbell thinks you need a 'humour bypass'
'Curry my yoghurt' DUP MP receives death threat
'Curry my yoghurt’ DUP MP says he would treat Irish Language Act 'like toilet paper'
"Bonkers" ... That's what Peter Robinson thinks of the 'gay marriage cake' row
Now the 'curry my yoghurt' MP has been barred from speaking in Stormont...
Poll: Should the Irish Government be part of talks in Northern Ireland?
Public memorial details for Ian Paisley announced
DUP war of words as Peter Robinson forced to deny he's leaving
Over 100 groups will meet in Dublin today to discuss the legacy of the Troubles
From adversaries to friends: Martin McGuinness signs book of condolences for Ian Paisley
Ian Paisley: 1926 - 2014
"I have lost a friend": McGuinness pays tribute to the late Ian Paisley
Unionist parties all walk out of Stormont talks in protest over parade block
Meanwhile in Northern Ireland, Sinn Féin and DUP are still the big two
Here’s a crash course on how the European Elections are shaping up in Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland rejects same sex marriage for third time in 18 months
Tánaiste admits 'on-the-runs' controversy has 'derailed' progress in the North
"A deception by omission" - Robinson says the DUP was misled over 'on-the runs'
Events outlined by Paisley "simply did not happen" say DUP
'Chuckling' relationship with McGuinness hastened my departure --- Paisley
Gilmore: Dublin may get involved if there’s no progress on Haass
Peter Robinson slams Martin McGuinness as 'controller and dictator' over Haass talks
McGuinness: Unionists have been "dancing to the tune of extremists"
"The people responsible for terrorism are terrorists," - Northern leaders on Paisley comments
Meghan O'Sullivan warns of 'darker downside' to Northern Ireland stalemate
Richard Haass says some in Northern Ireland are being 'unrealistic in the extreme'
McGuinness claims 'extreme loyalism' is setting the unionist agenda on Haass proposals
SF tells Unionists to make up their mind about Haass proposals