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# Disability

All time
Column: 'Mummy, tell me the story again of how you made my brother blind'
Hesline Crawford
'Sarah Jane would like to live independently with support. No such service or plan is possible'
Suzy Byrne
'People with disabilities are represented as one-dimensional, that they're happy all the time'
Disability centre fails inspection despite closure threat
Column: 'I have been asked if I mourn the healthy, normal son that I could have had'
Hesline Crawford
Lidl Ireland apologises to mum and son who were told to leave store with autism assistance dog
36 hours alone in a bed without so much as a hot drink: lessons to be learned from Storm Emma
Tom Clonan
Ireland will ratify UN Convention on Disabilities at end of February
Brittle bones: 'It means that my bones break easily and I cannot walk very far'
Amy Hassett
'I love her too much to put her in a home': Calls for support after RTÉ doc on the struggles of carers
'So many venues' wheelchair bathrooms won’t have sanitary bins, soap, or mirrors - they barely have a working lock'
Rehab Group to drop its name and spend up to €40,000 on rebranding
'They're both excelling': Reform in child disability services begins to show signs of success
Cerebral palsy: 'I’m like everyone else. I want to party, get drunk, make mistakes'
Paddy Smyth
Assistive technology: 'I have difficulty speaking and I use my iPad as a communications device to speak'
Anne O'Brien
Fees at centre for residents with autism to be probed over concerns about 'unknown criteria'
'Physically and psychologically abusive' situation reported at Kilkenny care centre
'Diversity equals innovation': Why these Irish workplaces are blazing a trail for inclusiveness
Concerns raised about how residents would exit disability centre in event of fire
'It puts holes in the retina': Thousands at risk of blindness due to diabetes-linked eye disease
Epilepsy drug which has left 400 Irish children with disabilities to come under EU review today
Tom Clonan: 'Leo knows we get up early in the morning to bathe, toilet & spoonfeed our loved ones'
Tom Clonan
'My intellectually disabled daughter should be able to move out like other young people'
Sorcha Ward
Column: 'My brother Thomas is not suitable for 'community living''
Joyce Bambury
'For people with disabilities this is a crisis within a crisis'
Tom Clonan: 'I've had enough. We need a campaign for our brothers and sisters disabled by our State'
Tom Clonan
Disability: 'Are one in four people that I meet uncomfortable talking to me?'
Keith Hayes
Column: 'We need fines for cars parked on footpaths and for wheelie bins'
Sean O'Kelly
"We're not looking for something extra or more than - we're looking for same as others"
'We were told she wouldn't walk': Young girl beats odds and competes in dance competition
'He pinned my arms down and he strangled me': Couple with challenged son call for more support
Poll: Should you be fined for blocking a footpath?
'My greatest fear is she will outlive me': Elderly carers in Ireland struggle for help
HSE reveals thousands of children left waiting for assessment, despite 3 month legal deadline
Children aged three forced to wait two years for assessment, despite legal 3 month deadline
Store manager shared videos of disabled employee in WhatsApp group for 'merriment'
Angry voter confronts Theresa May over welfare cuts
'I'm between nearly crying and nearly killing someone, quite honestly'
Government criticised over huge number of disabilities payments denied, only to be allowed upon appeal
Tributes paid to 'fearless and brilliant campaigner' Donal Toolan