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# democrats

All time
Top Democrats meet Trump, but no deal reached on government shutdown over border wall
Senator Elizabeth Warren takes major step towards White House bid
Donald Trump and the Democrats can both feel the midterms helped their 2020 chances
He's hailed them as a 'tremendous success' - but what do the midterm results mean for the Trump presidency?
'A battle for America's soul' as public go to the polls in historic midterms today
The view from Indiana: Why the battle for the midwestern state is key to the Senate elections
Eunan McKinney
The Candidate: Listen to our special edition podcast for the US midterms
Trump warns of 'violent change' if Republicans lose midterm elections
New hacking attempt on US Democratic Party
'I didn't like the sight of families being separated': Trump signs order to end family separations
Could Starbucks billionaire Howard Schultz be Donald Trump's rival in 2020?
Sex and the City star to run for Governor of New York
Democrat Conor Lamb claims victory in key congress election battle in Trump stronghold
Nancy Pelosi gave an eight-hour long speech defending immigrants in Congress yesterday
US House panel votes to release Democrats' rebuttal to Republicans' memo
US government employees are able to go back to work today as Trump signs bill ending shutdown
Trump calls for 'nuclear option' in bid to end government shutdown in US
Trump hails 'historic' victory as Republican tax plan passes through Congress
'Contempt for women reaches a new low': Trump administration rolls back free birth control access
'Should the Democrats return to their roots or follow moneyed interests?'
Larry Donnelly
Democrats say they've reached a deal with Trump over the fate of immigrant children
Angry Democrats file no-confidence motion against Trump and urge him to use Twitter responsibly
'Nothing less than Nixonian': Democrats hit out after Trump fires head of the FBI
'He'd still win if the election were today' - 100 days in, Dublin, California, adjusts to Trump's 'new normal'
Trump desperately wants the money to build his wall - and he's pleading with Democrats to get it
'We learned about loyalty': Trump blames Democrats after humbling healthcare defeat
Republican introduces 'World’s Greatest Healthcare Plan' as politicians debate Trump proposals
Jeff Sessions, controversial senator consistently accused of racism, confirmed as US Attorney General
'So much for draining the swamp': Republicans take independence from independent ethics body
This is why people are talking about North Carolina's 'bathroom law'
"Stop whining" - Obama tells Trump to stop talking and focus on getting votes instead
For some Americans, Trump is the lesser of two evils
Former Republican candidate roasts Trump over treatment of parents who lost son in Iraq
Democrats hacked again as Snowden and Assange fall out over leaks
'Herstory' - Hillary Clinton accepts Democratic presidential nomination
"The Democratic Party is in good hands" - Obama gives rousing endorsement of Clinton
Hillary Clinton makes history by winning Democratic presidential nomination
CNN host's 'Irish Lives Matter' joke caught on mic at Democrat convention
The FBI think Russia is behind the hacking of Democrat emails
Watch: Bernie Sanders booed for telling his supporters to elect Hillary Clinton