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# Democracy

All time
Egypt awaits referendum results as opposition cries fraud
Obama tells Egypt he is 'deeply concerned' over protest deaths
Column: They promised an end to stroke politics – has it worked out that way?
Prof Gary Murphy
Poll: Should the voting age be lowered to 17?
Egypt: Protests rage as Morsi promises democracy
Obama visits Aung San Suu Kyi at home, calls for more reform
New political party 'Direct Democracy Ireland' launched in Dublin
Seanad abolition: Where do the parties stand?
Aaron McKenna: The Constitution is ours – so why aren’t we writing it?
Aaron McKenna
Constitutional Convention aims to begin discussions next month
Aung San Suu Kyi awarded with the US Congress’ highest civilian honour
How does the new public petitions system work?
Burma's government ends direct media censorship
Clinton urges Egypt to commit to "strong democracy"
Annan warns 'history will judge' the world's failure on Syria
Fine Gael TD calls for elections and referenda to be held at weekends
Video: Aung San Suu Kyi making speech in Dublin
21 years later: Aung San Suu Kyi accepts Nobel Peace Prize
What effect might the turnout have on the Fiscal Compact referendum?
Where’s my polling station? Do I need ID? How to cast your vote today
PHOTOS: People living on Donegal islands go to the polls
Egypt goes to the polls in first post-Mubarak election
Explainer: Does Dublin need a directly-elected mayor and how likely is it?
Aung San Suu Kyi boycotts Burma's parliament over oath
Japan to forgive €2.8 billion of Burma's debt
Aung San Suu Kyi claims victory in Burma election
President warns of democratic and intellectual crises
Mugabe says he is "fit as a fiddle" and compares himself to Jesus
Column: Politicians can’t fix Ireland – ordinary people must take the lead
Bronagh Geraghty and John Hughes
Syria sets date for referendum on draft constitution
Column: Don’t trust the government? Then let’s put local people in power
Aaron McKenna
TDs play down report of possible ‘email filter’
Varadkar: Referendums are not "very democratic"
Column: Ireland has moved on, and we need a new Constitution
Dominic Hannigan
The story behind the giant banner on St Stephen's Green
Praise for Burma's release of political prisoners
Column: Abolish the Seanad? Here's a better idea to fix our political system
Simon Tuohy
Explainer: How are Ireland's constituencies being redrawn?
Column: UCC’s Nick Griffin invitation is a game – and fascism is the winner
Gavan Titley
More than 440 wounded during clashes in Egypt