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# debunked

Last week
14th July 2024 - 27th July 2024
Debunked: Bus company refutes claims it wouldn't drive 150 asylum seekers into Coolock site
This month
July 2024
Debunked: A comparison of US temperatures in May 1896 and May 2024 is misleading
Last month
June 2024
Debunked: Visiting restrictions at Tallaght Hospital are due to viruses, despite conspiracy theories
Debunked: Why terms like 'illegals' and 'people trafficking' mischaracterise the asylum system
Debunked: A US appeals court did not rule that mRNA shots are not really 'vaccines'
Debunked: Fabricated quotes and made-up commentators feature in 'vote-rigging' news story
May 2024
Debunked: High Court did not rule that ‘illegal immigrants should be paid €318 per week’
Debunked: Image of burning house in rural Ireland is AI-generated and not a real arson attack
Debunked: Man charged with alleged knife offences in Dublin was Irish, not a foreign national
Debunked: One political party's false election claims on immigration, neutrality and NATO
A leaflet by Ireland First contains a number of inaccuracies.
Debunked: Hoax claim that wife of man who shot Slovakia PM Robert Fico is a Ukrainian refugee
Debunked: The number of 'illegally present immigrants' in Ireland last year was not 10 times the EU average
Debunked: Police at Newtownmountkennedy clashes were Gardaí, not PSNI officers
Debunked: Deepfaked Michael O’Leary appears in scam ad pushing financial platform ‘Ryan Chain’
April 2024
Debunked: Image of Garda standoff shared after Newtownmountkennedy protests is AI-generated
Debunked: Posts ‘as Gaeilge’ among more than 100 scam ads featuring presenter Bláthnaid Ní Chofaigh
Debunked: Nazis falsely identified as members of Ursula von der Leyen’s family
Debunked: No, the European Union has not told Ireland to delay a general election
Debunked: Posts advertising free online further education certificate courses are a scam
Debunked: Fake frame from Simpsons episode used to say show predicted Baltimore bridge disaster
March 2024
Debunked: A historical chart in an old IPCC report does not show that climate change is a hoax
Debunked: ‘Ireland will change forever’ conspiracy meme is contradictory and nonsensical
Debunked: Chart used to criticise Dublin actually shows ranking for homelessness services
Debunked: Anti-migrant video asks: ‘Anyone know where in Dublin this is?’ The answer: Germany
Debunked: A UNHCR article saying Ireland has given refugees the right to vote is 20 years old
Debunked: No evidence of children trafficked to Mayo as described in Senator’s tweet
Christmas cards and a Supreme Court case: The latest claims about the Family and Care referendums
Voters will go to the polls tomorrow.
February 2024
Debunked: Audio of Gordon Ramsay praising Irish protestors is fabricated, likely by AI
Debunked: The Irish Muslim Council has not put up stickers advocating for ‘Sharia Law’
Have you spotted any dodgy claims? Send them to us on WhatsApp and we'll check them out
Debunked: Norway has not deported 1,600 people from Somalia
Debunked: Galway Beo did not report that an old Eircom building would house 900 male migrants
Scammers are trying to use Matthew Healy's funeral to trick people on social media
January 2024
Debunked: Man arrested in Dublin City Centre was holding a toy gun, not a real firearm
Debunked: No, Ukrainian drivers aren't exempt from Irish laws or the need to be insured here
Debunked: Hoax ads featuring Alastair Campbell on the Late Late Show have proliferated on
Debunked: Video does not show a diesel-powered generator recharging an electric Bus Éireann vehicle
Ahead of a big electoral year, sign up to The Journal's newsletter on fake news and misinformation
Debunked: Misleading claims shared in Roscrea amid protests at Racket Hall
Debunked: Planning files do not show that Ringsend building was to be used for asylum seekers