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# Dara Calleary

Last month
June 2024
Dara Calleary returns to Cabinet as super junior minister as James Lawless becomes Minister of State
Govt to name next EU Commissioner tomorrow – but what could it mean for Cabinet?
Last year
No Irish citizens to be included in group of evacuees leaving Gaza for Egypt today
All time
Runners and riders: The names already being talked about to replace Robert Troy
Taoiseach says Dara Calleary 'paid a high price' for Golfgate and suggests 'a way back' for the former minister
'We'll let the DPP decide': Former Minister Dara Calleary not expecting personal charges from Golfgate
Donegal TD Charlie McConalogue named to replace Dara Calleary as Agriculture Minister
Taoiseach tells farmers that a new Agriculture Minister will be appointed next week
'Ireland rocked by coronavirus scandal': How the Golfgate controversy made international news
Dara Calleary resigns as Fianna Fáil deputy leader following golf dinner controversy
'Here we are again. A global crisis rages and a government clown car is ablaze with a conflagration of its own making'
Lise Hand
Government plunged into turmoil as public anger grows in wake of golf dinner controversy
'A thundering and lightning disgrace': The nation's anger after Oireachtas Golf Society event
Green leader Eamon Ryan says he hopes scandal 'will not impact the good work happening' in government
'Serious lapse of judgement': Fine Gael's Jerry Buttimer resigns as Leas Cathaoirleach of the Seanad
Galway Cathaoirleach says golf event smacks of 'one rule for them and another for us'
Agriculture Minister apologises after attending golf function with over 80 attendees
Mayo councillors hail Dara Calleary appointment as 'positive' step after initial Cabinet snub
Dara Calleary appointed new Agriculture Minister following sacking of Barry Cowen
'Bitterly disappointed' and 'grossly insulted': FF and FG politicians speak out about ministerial snubs
Go west? Government set to appoint 17 junior ministers
'There will be disappointments': Martin responds to perceived 'snub' of deputy leader in Cabinet selection
Dara Calleary says Cromwellian anger reflects what he's heard after ministerial snub
'Chronic pain is particularly acute for children': Issue of children's consultant stepping down raised in Dáil
Martin accepts Chambers' explanation of voting for TD who was outside Dáil chamber
FF leader asks Dooley and Collins to step down from frontbench pending probe into Dáil votes
FF says Leo isn't RTE's Ingrid Miley and shouldn't act as a 'commentator' on the nurses' strike
Simon Coveney says the government's 'hugely ambitious' social housing programme is working
'A national scandal': Almost one million on health waiting lists in first half of year
'It seared the soul of our country': Emotional scenes as Emma Mhic Mhathúna's interview raised in the Dáil
One of 208 women affected by smear test scandal 'fighting' to get medical card back
'I was in the bar when the cheer went up': Politicians hit the airwaves to play election blame game
Fianna Fáil on Budget 2018: Tax cuts will be 'modest' while social welfare increases 'won't be miserly'
'Thanks for calling Katherine' - Frances Fitzgerald has torrid time of it explaining her role in Tusla saga
'I am not scaremongering': Bus Eireann boss warns all jobs could be lost if drastic action not taken
Construction halted on Mayo power plant due to lack of funds
The Fianna Fáil surge: How this new TD upset the odds in Enda's backyard
'Up Fianna Fáil, we're back!': How the party reclaimed 'Fine Gael country'
Fianna Fáil's next leader, from most to least likely
Is Renua just ripping off Fianna Fáil's policies?