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# citizens assembly

Last month
June 2024
More people will die if there are further delays to reforming drug approach, Paul Reid warns
This year
Sinn Féin pledges to re-run referendums if they fall and the party gets into government
Taoiseach expects Oireachtas committee on drug use to be up and running no later than April
Ireland has 'once in a generation' chance to decriminalise personal drug use, Paul Reid says
A special Oireachtas committee will be established to examine the Citizens’ Assembly’s recommendations, Drugs Minister Hildegarde Naughton confirmed.
The Citizens' Assembly on Drug Use today published its final report
The document includes 36 recommendations to overhaul Ireland's drug policy and establish a more health-led approach
A special Oireachtas committee will be set up to examine the report and suggest new legislation
Last year
Govt says referendum enshrining neutrality in Constitution 'not appropriate' as SF motion defeated
Irish society 'hates heroin users': Former minister hits out at drugs policy
Poll: Should the possession of drugs for personal use be decriminalised?
Citizens' Assembly on Drugs Use to vote on key recommendations to Government
Opinion: The Citizens' Assembly on Drug Use has a once-in-a-lifetime chance to effect change
McGovern, Ó Concubhair & Marder
Opinion: My heart sank when I heard calls for the word 'care' to be added to Article 41.2
Ann Marie Flanagan
Chief Medical Officer says level of cannabis use in Ireland is ‘of great concern’
Opinion: The Citizens’ Assembly on Drug Use needs more diversity of speakers and thought
Lynn Ruane, Ian Marder & Cian O’Concubhair
Citizens' assembly on biodiversity loss had 'no urban-rural divide' in forming recommendations
Factcheck: What did an expert on Youth Justice tell the Citizens’ Assembly about drug crime?
Senior Garda tells Citizens' Assembly on Drugs Use he has 'grave concerns' over legalisation
Citizens’ assembly chair says urgent step change in approach to drug use is needed
Drug use 'everywhere' but marginalised communities face more difficulties, Citizens' Assembly hears
Citizens' Assembly on Drugs Use now open for submissions from the public
Therapist: Right or wrong, recreational drug use is part of the festival experience
Michael Ledden
Citizens' Assembly on Drugs holds first meeting in Dublin
Addiction experts, campaigners concerned over 'transparency' of new Citizens' Assembly
Citizen's Assembly on biodiversity loss says State is breaking 'its own laws' on nature
Public forum examining Ireland's neutrality to be held in Dublin, Galway and Cork in June
Paul Reid is 'pragmatic' about the criticism of his role as Chair of Citizens' Assembly on Drugs
Former head of the HSE Paul Reid has been appointed to lead the Citizens' Assembly on Drugs
Minister for Justice Simon Harris says he 'hasn't heard' of drug use in Leinster House
Citizens' Assembly will examine State response to illegal drugs and report back by end of year
Opinion: We as legislators must be brave and make difficult decisions regarding drug laws
Paul McAullife
Citizens' Assembly on drugs expected to begin before summer
'The war on drugs does not work': Fianna Fáil TDs call for reform to drugs policy
Assembly on biodiversity calls on Government to reassess aims of Coillte at final meeting
All time
'No view' on cannabis legalisation, says Varadkar as Citizens' Assembly on drugs expected in 2023
Citizens' Assembly told of need to maintain peatlands while supporting 'just transition'
Dublin Citizens' Assembly votes to recommend directly elected mayor with significant powers
Poll: Should Dublin have a directly elected mayor?
Citizens’ assembly on agriculture the wrong model, says farming group
Citizens' Assembly on directly elected Dublin mayor adjourns until September
Directly elected mayor for Dublin could be a 'dog's dinner' unless proper planning takes place
Bertie Ahern to address Citizens' Assembly on directly elected mayor for Dublin
Citizens' Assembly on biodiversity loss to visit three examples of biodiversity management