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# Censorship

This year
Nathan Thrall on telling Palestinian stories, wary publishers and cancelled promotional events
Israel shuts down US news agency video feed of Gaza citing new foreign media law
Israeli PM vows to enact ban on Al Jazeera news outlet
Rights watchdog alarmed at 'arbitrary removal' of Irish social media posts about Palestine
Last year
Vietnam bans Barbie film over map showing disputed Chinese territorial claim
All time
Original 'Fight Club' ending restored in China after online backlash
Hong Kong bookseller defies Beijing orders and reopens bookshop in Taiwan
Chinese-owned app TikTok apologises for removing viral clip which was critical of Beijing
The Irish For: How has censorship affected Irish language books?
Darach Ó Séaghdha
Calls for repeal of Censorship Act following cancellation of drag storytelling event
Poll: Would Facebook's moderation policies put you off using it?
Explainer: Why tech experts think the EU's proposed copyright law will 'screw up the whole internet'
Eurovision ends contract with Chinese broadcaster after it didn't show Irish entry
'We cannot tolerate this': Outcry after Afghanistan bans WhatsApp
In the 21 years since Playboy hit Irish shelves, the mag has featured Rosanna Davison and Danny Healy-Rae
Leaked documents 'show Facebook's secret censorship rules'
Lost in translation: Russian TV cuts unflattering Putin mention from hit US show
Has political correctness gone mad? 'Comedians must be allowed to offend'
Seán Connolly
Filmmakers order to cut Bollywood scenes that poked fun at lawyers
Fears of intensified censorship as China passes controversial cybersecurity bill
Artist who made kayak shaped like her vagina is convicted in obscenity trial
Church restricts release of gay film in Italy branding it 'indecent'
Hong Kong booksellers remain missing as mysterious letter emerges
This guy is trolling Christmas itself with his controversial zombie nativity scene
Denis O’Brien has asked another website to remove an article
India banned internet porn on Saturday, then unbanned it 48 hours later
Nude painting of NCAD professor removed from student's exhibition
WATCH: Ugandan singer faces 10 years in jail - for a music video
Broadcasters who take a position on the marriage referendum may be taken off air
'Deliberate censorship': China has blocked the BBC website
Opinion: Australian gagging order has major implications for press freedom
Niall McGlynn
Here's Wikileaks' latest revelation - about an "unprecedented" gagging order
China wants to censor a giant inflatable toad
Opinion: 'Right to be forgotten' ruling opens a legal and ethical Pandora's box
Niall McGlynn
Here are the 'pro-gay' kids books Singapore is clamping down on
Ireland is the "goodest"* country in the world
Turkey has blocked people from using Twitter after threat by PM
New Censorship Board being put together...solely to deal with Alan Shatter's 'Laura'
Turkish PM backtracks on his threat to ban Facebook and YouTube
Turkish government heavily criticised after passing "Orwellian" internet laws