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# Budget

All time
FactCheck: Is the renters' €500 tax credit just worth seven days' rent in Dublin?
Minister hopes parents using childminders will benefit from cheaper childcare next year
Core welfare payments increasing by €12 and plan for one-off double payments confirmed
Here's what Budget 2023 means for your payslip if you're earning €100,000
Here's what Budget 2023 means for your payslip if you're earning €60,000
Carbon tax to rise again next month - but impact on fuel for vehicles cost to be offset
Reaction as Budget 2023 and package to tackle cost-of-living crisis announced
'Our citizens need help': Everything you need to know about Budget 2023
National Security: 1,000 new gardaí, and defence funding to include money for primary air radar
Reader Q&A: Got a question about Budget 2023? Get in touch...
VAT is scrapped on newspapers, defibrilators and HRT but will increase for hospitality
Here's what Budget 2023 means for your payslip if you're earning €40,000
10% levy on concrete blocks to help fund mica and pyrite redress schemes
Here's what Budget 2023 means for your payslip if you're earning €30,000
Income tax standard rate cut off point raised to €40,000
Public finance surplus of over €4.4 billion projected for this year
VAT on newspapers likely to be abolished, Taoiseach indicates
Budget 2023: What can we expect in next week's package?
Analysis: Dysfunctional housing policy is failing a generation of renters
Victor Duggan
Varadkar unapologetic on 'Sinn Féin manifesto' remark about Commission on taxation
Coveney says government is 'ruling nothing out' in response to cost-of-living crisis
Green Party believes being in Government is 'right thing to do for the country'
Exchequer records surplus of €6.3 billion as coalition plots Budget to tackle cost of living crisis
Budget must be ‘balancing act’ between helping vulnerable and stoking inflation, watchdog warns
'I don't say it lightly': Housing crisis is a breach in the social contract, says Tánaiste
Call for all social welfare payments to be increased by €20 as older people 'turn off heating'
Costs of climate action measures and Slaintecare not properly recorded, committee told
Defence spending boost confirmed but doubt cast over several key reform proposals
Budget aims to help 'most vulnerable' and the 'squeezed middle', says McGrath
Eamon Ryan 'wouldn't object' to bringing Budget forward to September
High-earning public servants to have pay restored, as Varadkar admits timing 'isn't the best'
The good, the bad and the alright: Ireland's healthcare system compared to the rest of the EU
Parents paying nearly €800 in monthly fees per child in childcare, report finds
Living wage proposals to be brought to Government before summer, says Varadkar
Govt to take further action on rising cost of living before October's Budget, says Varadkar
€1.8 million in mental health funding allocated to low-emission vehicles for HSE community services
'Pent-up demand' could see a record 1.75m passport applications to process next year
'Both challenging and not ambitious enough': Why the carbon budgets are a huge deal for Ireland
Explainer: What is the Fuel Allowance and who can qualify for it?
Fuel Allowance increase won't be paid out until November - but will be backdated