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# Britain

All time
Poll: Who should be British Prime Minister - Theresa May or Andrea Leadsom?
The next Prime Minister of Britain will be a woman
The UK's Iraq War dirty laundry will today be aired in a very public way
Enda is meeting the north's leaders today to talk about Brexit
Theresa May vows to push for EU trade deal that limits immigration
Tens of thousands of anti-Brexit protesters march in London
Poll: Should the UK call a snap general election?
Nicola Sturgeon on way to Brussels to defend Scotland's place in the EU
"Britain is open for business": Chancellor George Osborne speaks for the first time since Brexit result
'Devastation' and worry, as Poles wonder what Brexit will mean for them
'Take a bow, Britain': European leaders hold crisis talks after Brexit shock
Brexit: Why Britain voted to leave the EU
Brexit fallout - now Spain says it's close to taking back Gibraltar
Brexit: What happens now?
Heavy rain in London causes rail chaos - and could stop some people from voting
Brexit: From polls opening to final results here's a timeline of when it's all going to go down
Men jailed in UK for "barbaric" acid attack on woman
Is it now time for Ireland to consider rejoining the Commonwealth?
Frank Feighan
'Ellie told us she loved us...the next day she was dead' - a grandfather's grief
David Beckham wants to stay in the EU - what about other celebrities?
Most Irish people would vote against Brexit if they could
Late British MP and broadcaster accused of abusing two girls
The Sun has come out for the 'Leave' side as polls point to a Brexit
Brexit has the Irish government worried - here's why
Brexit campaign now has ten point lead, poll says
Pay gap in pocket money for girls and boys, British study shows
'I wouldn't be betraying Britain by fighting for Pakistan in Rio' - Amir Khan
Tobacco company's attempt to sue Australia "an abuse of rights"
The gloves are off: Boris Johnson compares EU to Hitler in latest Brexit twist
UK security services signal 'strong possibility' of dissident Republican attack in Britain
The BBC may have to cut its recipes section from its website
Former British chancellor: Brexit could force return to Irish border controls
David Cameron admits he DID benefit from his father's offshore accounts
Young people will decide the Brexit vote as "leave" jumps ahead in polls
Storm Katie has been battering Britain this weekend
Former law lecturer who fled to Ireland after child pornography trial extradited back to Britain
Europe will try to convince Britain to stay in the EU today
Pictures: The UK's annual test of all its coins is like something out of Harry Potter
Lord Lucan declared dead 42 years after he mysteriously disappeared
Britain approves gene-editing experiments as opponents warn of 'designer babies'