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# Border poll

All time
What does a UK election mean for Ireland? It could be good news you know...
Bertie was back in Leinster House today and he managed to take a dig at Sinn Féin
Border poll: 'Nationalists will say the recent Assembly elections show things are trending in their direction'
Caoimhín De Barra
Nearly half of Irish people think it's time for a United Ireland
We asked every TD if they want a vote on a united Ireland, here's what they said
'National unity is in the national interest': Gerry Adams argues it is time for a united Ireland
Gerry Adams
Quiz: Which side of the border is this?
Explainer: Why are politicians talking about a 'border poll' now?
Ian Paisley Jr thinks Enda Kenny's border poll idea is "far out, man"
Micheál Martin hopes Brexit will lead to a vote on a reunited Ireland
'Sectarian headcount' or 'democratic imperative': Is it time for a border poll?
Sinn Féin wants a vote on a united Ireland after Brexit and a second Scottish referendum is on the way
Sinn Féin calls for vote on united Ireland should Brexit go ahead
Alex Salmond told us why a united Ireland is as inevitable as Scottish independence
Would you like to see a United Ireland? People north and south had their say tonight
Adams calls for left to unite, says: 'Sinn Féin will keep every commitment that we make'
Praise for Panti as SF told: ‘Sectarianism is no different to racism, sexism or homophobia’
Gerry Adams: The institutions of the State have their backs to the border
Pearse Doherty: We'd have a better economy in a United Ireland
Sinn Féin tables motion calling for a border poll
Nearly four-fifths of NI voters would choose to stay in UK
Column: Border poll? Frankly, now isn’t the time
Dr David McCann
Sinn Fein calls for a border poll
Adams outlines seven-point plan for a United Ireland
Referendum on united Ireland 'inevitable' - Adams