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# Baby

All time
Police rescue baby trapped in car on hottest day of the year
Woman wakes from five month coma to find out she has given birth
Mum of 6 boys completely freaks out when she discovers she's having a girl
Gardaí investigate alleged assault on newborn baby
These scans show the harmful effects of smoking on unborn babies
These fire fighters delivered a baby in its mum's car at the station
This Dad devised an innovative way to get his newborn baby to sleep
This granny's reaction to discovering her baby 'granddaughter' is a boy is fantastic
This baby thinks her Mam eating crisps is absolutely hilarious
Baby boxes - The place for parents to anonymously give up their newborns
Seven dead after helicopter carrying newborn baby to hospital crashes
Pics: How you've been dealing with the snow around the country
Police officer stabbed in the head by man who took baby hostage
Woman jailed over death of baby after stuffing him in drawer 'for crying too much'
This blanket will turn your baby into a burrito
Baby kidnapped days after birth reunited with parents 17 years later
This baby's laugh is the most evil sound you'll hear today
Mam uses makeup app on 7-week-old son, with hilariously unsettling results
"I thought this only happened in movies": Dublin fire fighters deliver baby at home
Baby Mamanie lost her parents and grandparents. But she's considered "lucky"
Newborn died in ambulance after Turkish hospitals 'offered no care at all'
Bosses aren't happy about proposals to give dads two weeks paid paternity leave
Cat rescues baby abandoned in street by cuddling it to keep it warm
Benedict Cumberbatch is having a Cumberbaby and his Cumberbitches cannot Cumbercope
'Lack of humanity' after Roma baby refused burial in France
Newborn baby girl taken from her home after a shooting found dead in a bin
This woman made a time-lapse video of her pregnancy, and it's adorable
Baby girl reacts hilariously to tasting pineapple for the first time
Home for Christmas: Irish granny meets her newborn granddaughter for the first time
Toddler meets identical twins for the first time and he is adorably confused
Woman gives birth to baby weighing nearly 15lbs... twice the average size
Baby wakes mam up, farts directly in her face
Body of newborn baby girl found in wheelie bin
Police urge mother of dead baby on beach to come forward
Need a 10-minute break? Step into the Reading Room…
Mother charged with attempted murder after baby found alive in drain
Baby girl survives Ebola 'against all the odds'
Paddy Power are offering 'odds' on BOD's new baby playing rugby for Ireland
Kim Kardashian addresses speculation that baby North doesn't smile
This baby's drum solo is the most metal thing ever