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# Anniversary

All time
"I saw little birds flying in and out of Mary's crown": When Irish statues moved, and the world came to stare
London 7/7 bomb survivor: 'There was a thick blackness that was engulfing my whole world'
It's 20 years to the day since Mandela presented the Springboks with the Webb Ellis Cup
So just how much is your Italia 90 memorabilia worth?
Interactive map tells the story of one of Ireland's most famous poets
Couple vow to divorce if same-sex marriage is legalised in Australia
'When we were 3-0 down, I tried to get out of the ground'
Liverpool pay tribute to the victims of 'one of football's darkest days'
This man had the sweetest surprise for his wife on their 57th anniversary
Brian Keenan: 'If you don't have a sense of humour you are dead man walking'
"If I hadn’t been given that heart my daughters would have never been born"
These are Ireland's most viewed YouTube videos
The British government still has unreleased files on Ireland's worst terrorist attack
It's 20 years today since one of the most dramatic conclusions ever to a Premier League campaign
12 reasons why John O'Shea is a complete and utter legend
Roland Ratzenberger: the tragedy Formula 1 forgot, after Senna
It's 50 years since a teenage George Best and Man United took English football by storm
7 Irish sporting moments we can enjoy over and over again thanks to YouTube
Intel says 50 years of Moore's Law has transformed our lives
Survivors remember the Oklahoma City bombing, 20 years ago today
Think you know everything there is to know about Father Ted? Try these...
Ireland was a scary place where Brian McFadden reigned supreme when the GAA lifted Rule 42
Activists postpone plans to send 10,000 copies of The Interview to North Korea
Brian Clough and his effect on the Irish management team
Take a break - and watch Dermot Morgan's spot-on impressions of Dunphy, Michael Noonan and Michael D
8 years ago today the Bull's tears inspired a nation
Take a break and watch famous people celebrate SNL
Gardaí search for clues, three years after man accused of drug dealing was shot dead
'We were woken by these piercing screams': Survivors remember the horror of Auschwitz
Adams offers to act as go-between for anyone with info on Adrian Donohoe shooting
'This wasn't her life plan but she's doing her absolute best being both Mam and Dad'
9 of the nicest things ever to happen at Dublin Airport
This old lady is 110 today and she has some stories to tell
Family of 21-year-old beaten to death in a Monaghan barn ask politicians for help
How some survivors are left forgotten after major disasters
In Photos: 25 years ago today the Berlin Wall fell
The Greatest: Remembering 'The Rumble in the Jungle'
Candlelight vigils will mark second anniversary of Savita's death
Activists take train to Belfast to get abortion pills - and say they plan to take them
30 years on: A Dunnes Stores worker 'changed the face of the anti-apartheid movement'