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# Alcohol

All time
11 minutes of mindfulness enough to make heavy drinkers cut back on alcohol, study says
Poll: Should there be a limit on the amount of alcohol people buy at airports?
Free shots and Jägerbombs: Parents told to warn Leaving Cert students of 'pervasive' drinks promos
Shane Ross: 'I was just drinking far too much in my 30s and it was affecting my life in every way'
873 pints of' 'hooch' confiscated in Irish prisons last year
Less than 5% of Irish people know what their weekly alcohol limit is
Drivers caught for minor road offences will now face a drink driving breath test
Poll: Have you ever not paid your bar tab?
Craft breweries will be allowed sell drink on tours under a new law
'These people matter': The government's new 'compassionate' plan to tackle drug addiction
Judge grants order allowing distillery to serve booze in former church
Spain's tourism bosses want to ban alcohol on flights to Ibiza and Magaluf
'Lobbyists are lining up to kill the Alcohol Bill'
Frances Black
'The sense of relief is immense': Homes of 30 vulnerable men saved in Greystones
The average person in alcohol treatment in Ireland is 41, male and started drinking at 16
'Our children's television viewing is bombarded by the thrills and spills of alcohol'
Dr Bobby Smyth
Ireland is one step closer to lifting the Good Friday alcohol ban
Even moderate drinking can damage your brain, new research says
Could this personalised breathalyser be the solution to Ireland's drink-driving woes?
Fewer Irish children are getting drunk and doing drugs, study finds
Low alcohol consumption during pregnancy doesn't cause harm, experts say
The only hotel in Temple Bar that didn’t serve alcohol now has a bar licence
Mayo pensioner, found asleep in car with dog while engine was running, was six times over legal limit
Free coffee and drug warnings as motorists advised to take care this May bank holiday
Doctor: People end up in foster care and jail because of drinking during pregnancy
Should drink drivers get an automatic ban? Doctors will be debating that today
FactFind: Have people been killed in road crashes where drivers were just over the limit?
Woman in Kerry crash with drunk driver criticises Healy-Rae's 'three Guinness' claims
Pilot in Canada jailed for showing up to work drunk and passing out in cockpit
Underage teens are getting drunk by sucking on vodka-laced oranges, claims TD
Poll: Do you pre-drink before you go for a night out?
Ireland tops the list internationally as 85% of people here pre-drink
Poll: Would you buy cigarettes or alcohol on the black market?
Revenue seizes over 600 litres of alcohol at Dublin Port
'We can celebrate without getting drunk': Pioneers release St Patrick's Day message
Fake alcohol warning issued after man becomes seriously ill from drinking methanol
'What happens when your father, the founder and managing director of the company, dies?'
Most Irish people think drinking to excess is part of our culture
Vodka recall in Canada after bottles found to be twice the strength with 81% alcohol
Could your bottle of beer soon carry scary, cigarette-style warning labels?